Page 53 - Nigeria one mag en-21
P. 53

Africa is missing from this equation
             Is it really that surprising that none of the African countries appeared in the top 20 of this ranking? Not
             so  much  if  we  remember  that  none  of  them  has  been  fully  involved  in  the  reflection  process
             concerning the implementation of the energy transition. The Western world has unilaterally decided to
             turn its back on fossil energies and to find other less-polluting energy sources. The most adamant have
             proclaimed the end of fossil fuels in the 2030s.
             However, in Africa, the outlook is very different. Nigeria, Africa's leading power, has an abundance of
             oil and gas deposits. Within the Delta region alone, production averages about 2.5 million barrels per
             day.  There  are  an  estimated  93.8  trillion  cubic  meters  of  natural  gas  reserves.  Thus,  the  economic
             stability  of  the  country  and,  by  extension,  of  the  continent  is  largely  based  on  the  gas  industry.
             Similarly, Algeria, the giant of the Maghreb, has developed a whole industry around gas exports through
             trade agreements with the European Union. The country now supplies nearly 40% of Spain's gas. In
             light of the Ukraine-Russia crisis, what can we say about the Congo and Angola, which are self-sufficient
             in natural gas and have both offered their gas to Europe? Lastly, a recent discovery of deposits in the
             Sahel is raising hopes. Thus, by 2024, gas should be coming out of the Senegalese and Mauritanian
             lands/seas via the Grand-Tortue-Ahmeyim offshore project.

                                                                                    Construction of a natural gas pipeline

             Energy transition                                                                            53
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