Page 65 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 65

Solar ahead of wind energy

                                                                                       Solar and wind, illustrative image

             For  the  first  in  the  race  for  renewables,  Solar  Other sources including bioenergy and geothermal
             outruns  wind  energy.  The  race  to  develop    accounted for 5% of the renewable market in 2021,
             renewable  energy  capacity  around  the  globe  has  a level that has remained steady for several years.
             witnessed solar power overtaking wind for the first  However,  IRENA  director  general  Francesco  La
             time.  According  to  the  International  Renewable  Camera  warned  that,  despite  the  strong  rate  of
             Energy Agency (IRENA), solar energy now accounts  expansion, far more needs to be done if the world
             for  28%  of  the  world’s  renewable  electricity  is  to  avoid  the  worst  effects  of  climate  change.
             generation capacity, just ahead of wind with 27%.  “Despite the encouraging global trend … the energy
             This time last year, the two were evenly matched at  transition  is  far  from  being  fast  or  widespread
             26% each.                                         enough to avert the dire consequences of climate
             Expert  said  that  by  the  end  of  2021  global  change,” said La Camera.
             renewable  generation  capacity  amounted  to  3,064  Asia is leading the way when it comes to expanding
             gigawatts  (GW),  a  9.1%  increase  on  the  previous  renewable  capacity.  Last  year,  60%  of  all  new
             year.  The  256.7GW  of  clean  energy  added  to  capacity  was  added  there,  with  155GW  generated.
             national  grids  last  year  accounted  for  81%  of  all  China  alone  accounted  for  121GW  of  that,
             the electricity generation capacity additions around  including  53GW  of  solar  energy  and  6GW  of
             the world, a record level.                        bioenergy  capacity.  China  also  led  the  way  with
             Solar and wind energy are not the only renewable  wind power capacity additions in 2021, with 47GW
             electricity  sources,  but  they  are  building  a  added. It was followed by the U.S. with 14GW.
             dominant  position  in  the  market.  IRENA       Other  countries  that  contributed  significantly  to
             demonstrated that solar and wind were responsible  solar  power  supply  included  the  US  with  19.6GW,
             for  88%  of  all  new  renewable  capacity  in  2021.  India  (10.3GW),  Brazil  (5.2GW),  Germany  (4.7GW),
             Solar  energy  grew  by  19%  last  year,  while  wind  Japan (4.4GW) and South Korea (3.6GW).
             energy grew by 13%.                               Overall, Asia’s renewable energy capacity expanded
             Hydropower still accounts for the largest share of  by 11% in 2021. It was followed by North America
             global renewable energy generation, with 1,230GW,  with 9% growth and Europe with 6.4%.
             but its position is progressively falling. As recently  Yet  other  areas  are  lagging  further  behind,  and
             as 2018, hydropower was responsible for half of all  actions are needed. IRENA said renewable energy
             renewable energy output, but its share is now down  capacity  grew  by  just  3.9%  in  Africa  and  3.3%  in
             to 40% and is expected to fall further in the coming  Central America and the Caribbean.

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