Page 3 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 3

              S  u m   m   a  r y

                                                   05       Editorial

                                                   06       Nigeria

                                                            Diri  and  INC  Intervene  in  Pipeline

                                                            Surveillance Feud

                                                            Nigeria’s Energy Security Predicament

                                                            Oil  theft  in  Nigeria:  there  is  no  lack  of


                                                            Insecurity  escalating  cost  of  oil  and  gas
                                                            production in Nigeria

                                                            Oil and Gas Investment Promotion Center

                                                   23       Pan-Africanism

                                                            Pan-Africanism  the  answer  for  African

                                                   25       Africa

                                                            Africa,  constantly  solicited  by  Europe  for
                                                            its gas reserves

                                                            DRC:  an  increase  in  oil  production  to

                                                            overcome the crisis?

                                                            Energy  Crisis  and  Solar  Power  as  an

                                                            Alternative in Developing Countries

                                                            An uncertain future for African energy

             Summary                                                                                       3
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