Page 44 - Nigeria one mag en-21
P. 44

influenced  by  other  economic  measures.  In  the
             UK, for instance, the government pledged to cea-
             se all Russian oil imports by the end of the year,
             while in the EU, proposals were devised to diver-
             sify  energy  supply  away  from  Russia  by  way  of
             pipeline gas and LNG. As gloomy as the energy
             sector seems amid the current conflict, and with
             JP  Morgan  predicting  the  prospect  of  large  oil
             disruptions,  could  certain  oil  exporters  benefit
             from this war?
             Providing  46,8%  of  European  gas,  Russia  is  the
             continent’s primary gas supplier. Due to the cri-
             sis,  Germany  had  to  suspend  the  certification
             process for Nord Stream 2. In order for the EU to
             become less reliant on Russian natural gas, the
             Biden  administration  and  its  allies  continue  to
             make  efforts  to  reduce  this  dependency.  Pros-
             pects of a nuclear deal with Iran are improving.
             A deal would allow Iran to ramp up oil produc-
             tion.  This  conflict  could  be  a  great  opportunity
             for certain African oil producers such as Nigeria,                           Russian military helicopter

                                                               Libya, Angola, and Algeria. As a result of the Rus-
                                                               sian  ban  on  oil  imports,  these  African  nations
                                                               can increase significantly their production capa-
                                                               city  to  meet  the  global  demand  for  crude  oil.
                                                               Algeria,  which  already  supplies  11,6%  of  Euro-
                                                               pean gas, is showing its ambition to supply the
                                                               continent  on  a  larger  scale.  Considering  Nige-
                                                               ria’s oil production capacity of 1,36 million bar-
                                                               rels per day, the country might benefit the most.
                                                               In addition to enhancing the energy sector and
                                                               sustaining economic development growth, Nige-
                                                               ria  could  become  more  attractive  to  foreign
                                                               direct investment with the enactment of the PIA
                                                               (Petroleum  Industry  Act).  A  substantial  invest-
                                                               ment in the energy sector would improve Nige-
                                                               ria’s infrastructure, allowing it to increase crude
                                                               oil  production  exponentially.  Several  African
                                                               countries,  such  as  Libya,  Ghana,  Kenya,  Angola,
                                                               South  Africa,  can  implement  effective  policy
                                                               measures  to  attract  more  investment  and
                                                               subsequently produce crude oil at optimal levels.

                          Monument of Ukraine and Ruissie  in Kiev, Ukraine

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