Page 34 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 34
Petrosen or how to exploit oil resources in Senegal
Petrosen is an almost pioneering structure in the field of oil exploitation in Africa. It is the Senegalese
national oil company. Here is everything you need to know about this company.
History of Petrosen In some ways, the company also tively.
Created in 1981, Petrosen is a aspires to gain notoriety. In fact, Besides, the hydrocarbons sub-
structure affiliated to the Minis- it is already the main and even sector is one of Petrosen's key
try of Hydrocarbons of the Sta- the only management structure interests to galvanize its impact
te. It is 99% owned by the latter of the oil sector in Senegal. If it in the oil sector on an African
and the remaining share is left can conquer other African cou- scale. Senegal has for some
to the National Recovery Com- ntries, and even the world, its years expressed its desire to in-
pany of the country. If it was influence and success could be vest in the exploitation of the
originally a single company, it greater. Sangomar oil block, but has not
has now become a group that really succeeded for various rea-
includes two subsidiaries. The projects of Petrosen sons. By 2023, this is one of the
Petrosen Holding SA includes One of Petrosen's major deci- main projects that the state in-
PETROSEN Trading and Service sions was to become a group tends to focus on and imple-
(T&S) and PETROSEN Explora- with subsidiaries. This was done ment.
tion/Production (E&P). Petrosen believes and expects to
in order to allow Senegal to bet-
ter manage the arrival of First be able to market barrels of oil
Issues and challenges for from the area in the first mon-
Petrosen Oil and First Gas. These events, ths of 2023. If everything goes as
The Petrosen group operates in scheduled to occur in 2023, are planned, it will be a step forward
a market where competition is supposed to be key steps in the towards its ultimate dream of
fierce. Indeed, in the updated development of Petrosen's ener- effectively meeting the needs of
top of the largest oil producers gy exploitation. The company Senegal and other African coun-
in Africa, it does not appear. has therefore equipped itself tries in terms of energy and
This means that there are at with two structures capable of hydrocarbon supply.
least ten countries that conduct optimally managing hydrocar-
this activity with more skill than bons and oil services respec-
Senegal with its national com-
pany. This is a major challenge,
as it requires Petrosen to cons-
tantly work to earn its place
among the best.
On the other hand, the structure
claims to take full advantage of
the oil sector. However, it is
struggling to make Senegal self-
sufficient and independent in
terms of energy resources. Its
struggle to achieve this ideal is
constant and it is doing every-
thing possible to achieve it.
Logo of Petrosen
Africa 34