Page 29 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 29
still effective because of the it is high time to exploit their
Russian-Ukrainian crisis, the potential now.
DRC authorities want to raise Taking its cue from Dubai and
the country's economy on the even Nigeria, the DRC govern-
basis of hydrocarbons. ment is determined to build a
International calls for tenders largely oil-based economy over
have been launched for this the coming years. Putting the 16
purpose. blocks selected outside of pro-
If environmental activists are tected areas up for sale is likely
resisting this project, the to be part of a policy of respect
Ministry itself has taken it upon for the environment, abando-
itself to assure them that no ning the important resources
protected areas in the parks are present in protected parks.
affected. The goal is not to From 27 to 28 July this year, the
harm the environment. It is government will launch inter-
rather to raise the economic national tenders for the sale of
aspect of the DRC through an 13 insulated blocks and 3 other
exploitation that goes far offshore blocks. Nigeria, reco-
beyond the 4.5% of the DRC map and flag gnized in Africa as the oil giant,
hydrocarbon potential of other also supports the DRC through
times. loration aimed at discovering its authorities and its investors
From the current 20,000 to profitable deposits and collec- specialized in the field of hy-
25,000 barrels per day, the ting precise geological data on drocarbons. Interventions that
government's goal is to multiply each oil block. strongly point to a consolida-
the current production by 10. tion of inter-African coopera-
This means 200,000 barrels of Foreign authorities accompany tion. These interventions are
daily production. High financial the DRC in its tenders also part of a policy of inter-
estimates for each block that The project is supported by the African integration that consi-
would raise the economy of the Egyptian government, which ders the oil and gas resources
DRC, this is the angle of view of considers the DRC's oil and gas of the DRC as an important as-
government agencies. development to be beneficial set in the face of the unstable
They are bringing hydrocarbon for the entire African continent. state of the West due to the
exploitation back to the very With fossil fuels gradually gi- crisis.
center of development. An exp- ving way to renewable energies,
Small village by the Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Africa 29