Page 25 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 25

Oil theft prevention, a major issue for the country

                                                                                            Nigerian Navy Operation

             Troubled by the incessant crude  information in the Nigerian Na-   Navy  has  actively  been  fighting
             oil  theft,  pipeline  vandalism  of  vy stated that in the fight against  to  address  the  issue  of  crimi-
             oil  equipment  and  installations,  illegal  refining,  crude  oil  theft  nality  in  the  maritime  domain.
             the  Nigerian  Navy  launched    and illegal bunkering, Operation  Thus  far,  they  have  recorded
             Operation Dakatar Da Barawo. It  Dakatar  Da  Barawo  has  conti-  some success in crude oil theft,
             is  a  Hausa  phrase  that  when  nued to achieve some remarka-    pipeline  vandalism,  illegal  oil
             literally interpreted means ‘stop  ble  success  in  curbing  some  of  bunkering and stealing of crude
             the  thieves’  with  a  directive  to  the menace.                 oil  products.  The  value  of  the
             dominate the waterways through   He  revealed  that  on  the  1st  of  products is estimated at N30 bil-
             vigilant  and  intelligence-driven  June,  2022,  the  Nigerian  Navy  lion since June this year.
             patrols that is targeted at mitiga-  Ship (NNS) in Rivers State inten-  Consequently,   the   naval
             ting the theft and preventing the  tionally organized a swamp bug-  operatives arrested a total of 85
             stealing of oil products to other  gy  operation  in  some  identified  suspects,  destroyed  275  illegal
             countries through the sea.       illegal  refining  sites.  The  follo-  refinery  sites,  impounded  70
             The Nigerian Navy has recorded   wing  items  were  destroyed,  two  boats,  22  tankers  and  trucks
             a  significant  breakthrough  in  storage  tanks,  6  reservoirs,  and  destroyed, demolished 125 illegal
             crude  oil  theft,  as  members  of  13  refining  ovens.  The  fleeing  refinery  ovens,  dismantled  100
             Operation  Dakatar  Da  Barawo   illegal  refining  merchants  left  illegal  refinery  large  pits,  anni-
             recovered  an  estimated  $1.5   behind  3  gas  cylinders  as  they  hilated  140  illegal  refinery  sto-
             billion  of  stolen  crude  and  fled  the  scene  on  seeing  the  rage  tanks,  recovered  32  pum-
             others in the last six months.   naval operatives.                 ping machines and 40 outboard
             Commodore  Olukayode  Ayo-       The  director  of  naval  informa-  engines.
             Vaughan, the director of naval   tion had mentioned that the       Mr Ayo-Vaughan further infor-

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