Page 22 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 22

Revisiting the issue of crude oil theft in Nigeria

                                                                                           Pipeline, illustrative image

             The  Lagos  Chamber  of  Commerce  and  Industry  The chief executive officer further observed that the
             (LCCI)  held  a  conference  titled,  ‘Public-private  effect  of  the  enormous  amount  of  oil  theft  in  the
             dialogue  on  crude  oil  theft  and  artisanal  modular  sector  resulted  in  the  declaration  of  force  majeure,
             refineries’  in  Lagos  where  Gbenga  Komolafe,  Chief  as a result massive loss of national wealth, significant
             executive  officer,  Nigerian  Upstream  Petroleum  damage  to  the  environment  as  a  result  of  pipeline
             Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) revisited the issue  vandalism,  hostile  business  environment  with
             of oil theft which has become a menace.           militancy interference in the oil and gas sector has
             This is owing to the fact that Nigeria lost a minimum  resulted  in  sending  negative  signals  to  foreign
             of $1 billion in the first quarter of 2022 as a result of  investors interested in the Nigerian upstream sector.
             oil  theft.  The  estimated  average  of  103,000  barrels  As  a  result  of  the  hostile  and  unsafe  business
             recorded in 2021 has worsened and that number as  environment, he observed that many operators in the
             at the first quarter of 2022 is 120,000 barrels.     upstream  sector  were  shutting  down  production
             He  mentioned  that  the  daily  average  production  in  facilities,  and  had  intentionally  refused  to  expand
             2021  was  1.5  million  barrels,  while  the  national  investments in the sector. Consequently, this further
             production advised by NUPRC was 2.2 million barrels  worsened  the  low  oil  production  in  the  sector  as  it
             a day.                                            affected gas production for export and domestic use
             “Consequently, only 58 percent of the technical rate  – this caused the price of gas at the domestic front to
             was achieved in 2021 and similar performance has  increase  significantly.  And  domestic  gas  users
             continued  in  2022  hence  the  need  for  more  lamenting about the sharp increment in gas prices.
             concerted  efforts  across  all  quarters  to  stem  the  In his brief, he said that the commission had made
             tide,” he said.                                   concerted  and  intentional  efforts  to  address  and
             “Unfortunately,  the  amount  of  oil  received  at  the  mitigate  the  challenges  faced  in  the  oil  and  gas
             terminals indicates that over one million barrels of  sector  to  ensure  that  the  oil  and  gas  sector  could
             oil are lost to crude oil theft, amounting to a loss of  deliver  a  production  target  of  3.2  million  barrels
             $1 billion in the first quarter of 2022.”         daily in 3 years.

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