Page 33 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 33

Africa Adaptation Summit

                                                                                            Rotterdam, Netherlands

             On September 5, 2022, Rotterdam hosted the Africa  greenhouse  gas  emissions  but  has  suffered
             Adaptation  Summit.  A  discussion  on  climate  disproportionately  from  climate  impacts  like
             adaptation techniques for Africa was the purpose of  devastating  floods  and  droughts.  According  to  the
             the  summit.  African  leaders  were  present  to  find  latest UN assessment in November 2021, Africa is the
             solutions and funding for climate change adaptation.  world's  most  vulnerable  continent.  Akinwumi
             There  were  representatives  from  a  wide  range  of  A.Adesina,  president  of  the  African  Development
             governments  and  institutions  attending  the  event,  Bank stated that “Africa was not affected by climate
             such  as  the  World  Trade  Organization,  the  change, but distressed by it”. According to him, Africa
             International  Monetary  Fund,  Africa  Development  loses between $7 billion and $15 billion a year due to
             Bank, and European Investment Bank. In November  climate change. A lack of financial resources hinders
             2021, at the last UN climate talks in Glasgow , wealthy  the  continent's  ability  to  tackle  climate  change
             nations  pledged  to  double  funding  by  about  $25  because it will require between $1.3 trillion and $1.6
             billion  by  2025  in  support  of  African  climate  trillion  in  the  next  decade  to  implement  its  Paris
             adaptation  efforts.  In  response  to  climate  change's  Climate Agreement commitment, which is estimated
             destructive forces, the developed world's commitment  at between $140 billion and $300 billion. Adesina said
             to  helping  Africa  was  highly  praised.  Climate  he is not worried about whether Africa will be able to
             adaptation  funds  pledged  were  the  largest  ever  balance  its  economy  and  its  climate  adaptation
             globally.  In  a  report  released  just  weeks  before  the  efforts.  Considering  the  current  European  energy
             Africa  Adaptation  Summit,  the  Organization  for  crisis, he believes African nations may even be able
             Economic  Cooperation  and  Development  (OECD)  to  help  European  countries  secure  gas  supplies  in
             found  that  rich  countries  did  not  fulfill  their  2009  the future by releasing their vast gas reserves.
             pledge to invest $100 billion a year by 2020 to help  During  the  summit,  European  leaders  were
             developing  nations  adapt  to  global  warming.  The  conspicuously  absent.  The  African  presidents  who
             OECD said developed countries gave $83.3 billion to  attended  the  summit  expressed  disappointment  at
             poorer nations in 2020, the highest ever sum, but still  the  non-participation  of  European  leaders.  In  their
             short of the original amount.                    view,  climate  change  is  an  existential  threat  to  the
             It is a fact that Africa has been severely affected by  climate change is an existential threat to the African
             the climate crisis. Africa generates less than 3% of all

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