Page 34 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 34

continent  and  western  nations  must  commit  to
             assisting it in fighting it. Several African leaders saw
             the  absence  of  their  European  counterparts  as  a
             major  deception.  There  has  been  little  in-person
             involvement  from  European  governments,  in
             contrast  to  the  long-distance  attendance  by  African
             leaders, whose priority at the COP27 climate talks in
             Sharm-el-Sheikh  (Egypt)  this  year  will  be  to  secure
             funds for climate adaptation. European leaders' low
             turnout may be interpreted as a lack of interest from
             the  EU,  which  is  suffering  from  the  Russia/Ukraine
             crisis. Senegalese President and African Union Chief,
             Macky Sall and Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi
             said  wealthy  countries  responsible  for  most  CO2
             emissions  should  have  attended.  Mr.  Macky  Sall  at
             the  opening  event  expressed  his  disappointment.  “I
             cannot  fail  to  note  with  a  touch  of  bitterness  the
             absence  of  the  leaders  of  the  industrialized  world.
                                                                                 rainwater culvert, Machakos County, Kenya.
             Because  these  are  the  main  polluters  of  our  planet
             and  it  is  they  who  should  finance  adaptation.  He  also seem like a harder sell for European leaders at a
             added that it was “not just the fate of Africa that is at  time when their citizens face a generational cost-of-
             stake but the fate of humanity and the future of the  living  crisis”.  He  stressed,  however,  the  risks
             planet.”  Tshisekedi  of  the  Democratic  Republic  of  associated  with  European  intransigence  on  climate
             Congo,  echoing  his  Senegalese  counterpart’s   funding. In addition to being risky, this stance could
             remarks,  underscored  the  significant  percentage  of  negatively affect the relationship between Africa and
             global CO2 emissions by the industrialized nations.  Europe.  There  may  be  room  for  China  and  Russia
             Theodore Murphy, director of the African program at  (Europe's  rivals)  to  develop  closer  relations  with
             the  European  Council  on  Foreign  Relations  stated  Africa as a result. Murphy said “the danger in this is
             that “spending on climate protection in Africa may  that the Chinese and the Russians make hay with it.
                                                               As another example of how Europe does not walk the
                                                               walk, or how, when the chips are down, Europe’s not
                                                               around,  basically,  Africa  is  Europe’s  partner  of
                                                               An unprecedented energy crisis is forcing the EU to
                                                               turn  to  Africa  more  than  ever  before.  European
                                                               leaders  must  build  long-term  relationships  Fwith
                                                               African counterparts. All parties would benefit from
                                                               such a deal. Due to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, the
                                                               EU  has  turned  to  African  oil  and  gas  exporters  for
                                                               energy  supply  alternatives.  The  Europeans  have
                                                               contacted  countries  like  Senegal,  Nigeria,  Ghana,
                                                               Algeria,  and  others  in  Africa  regarding  energy
                                                               supply.  There  is  a  tremendous  amount  of  potential
                                                               for Africa to help Europe to reduce its dependency
                                                               on  Russian  gas.  As  we  approach  winter  and  the
                                                               possibility  of  a  complete  cutoff  of  Russian  gas,
                                                               Europe  must  cooperate  fully  with  Africa.  In  return,
                                                               western  countries  should  assist  African  nations  in
                  Mr. Tshisekedi, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo  coping with climate change.

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