Page 54 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 54

US consumers spending more on gasoline

                                                                         Filling the gas tank at the gas station, illustrative image

             According to a new study, gasoline spending for the  Crude  oil  inventories  remain  about  14%  below  the
             average U.S. household has doubled over the past 12  five-year average, and stocks of liquified petroleum
             months, up from $2,800 at this time last year. And    fuels  are  still  tight,  leading  to  higher  pricess  of
             there does not seem to be any sign of relief in sight.  diesel  and  kerosene  at  a  time  when  demand  for
             Some reports indicated that since March of this year  truck cargo as well as air travel is also rising.
             alone,  annual  household  spending  on  gasoline  has  The  forthcoming  availability  of  diesel  remains  a
             increased by more than $1,000.                    concern as supply is still catching up with demand,
             Prices  continue  to  rise  week  after  week  and  are  and some expect diesel shortages in parts of the U.S.
             breaking records. In California, the average price of  this summer.
             gasoline rose to $5.30 from $4.309 a year ago.    This points to a decline in fuel sales as consumers
             "It's  not  surprising  that  the  consumer  sentiment  struggle  with  rising  energy  prices.  Indeed,  gasoline
             index  is  so  depressed.  What  is  surprising  is  that  sales  fell  last  month  while  spending  on  fuel  rose
             retail sales were so surprisingly strong in April and  37% on an annual basis.
             May," Yardeni Research said in a note.            There  seems  to  be  no  relief  in  sight.  Crude  oil
             In fact, the growth in retail sales over the past two  production is up, but that will not be enough to bring
             months  has  surprised  more  than  one,  somewhat  down  prices  at  the  pump.  Although  there  is  some
             easing  fears  of  an  impending  recession.  However,  legislation  that  is  being  introduced  to  Congress  to
             consumers sentiment has not kept pace with sales as  find  a  way  to  adjust  prices,  it  appears  that  the
             they are not at all reassured by this overall situation  fundamentals  are  more  complex  than  just  local
             Some  estimates  have  pointed  out  that  U.S.   production and a bill.
             consumers are now more pessimistic than they were  The global oil supply and demand situation is such
             in April, when the index rebounded from a further  that nearly all analysts expect prices to remain high
             decline.                                          for  the  foreseeable  future,  even  though  the
             U.S. inflation, meanwhile, remains at its highest level  International  Energy  Agency  has  forecast  that  the
             in four decades, in part due to rising energy costs.  world  will  endure  the  estimated  loss  of  3  millions
             West  Texas  Intermediate  reached  parity  with  Brent  bpd of Russian oil later this year thanks due to lower
             for  the  first  time  in  years,  with  both  trading  at  demand, the blockades, China and high prices.
             around $100 a barrel.

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