Page 56 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 56

World markets expecting more crude oil from Iran

                                                                                    Abadan Petrochemical Complex, Iran

             The U.S. may ease the pressure of its sanctions on  half  a  million  barrels  and  consuming  most  of  the
             Tehran to allow more barrels of Iranian oil to enter  rest.  It  is  ranked  12th  in  the  world  for  oil
             the  global  market,  Mike  Muller,  head  of  Asian  consumption,  accounting  for  about  1.9%  of  the
             operations  at  Vitol,  told  Bloomberg  this  weekend.  world's total consumption of 97,103,871 barrels per
             According  to  Muller  "If  the  midterm  elections  are  day.
             dominated by the need to drive down gas prices in  It  is  important  to  stress  that  Iran  has  proven
             America, turning a little bit more of a blind eye to  reserves  equivalent  to  239.2  times  its  annual
             the  sanctioned  barrels  flowing  is  probably   consumption. This means that, without net exports,
             something we would expect to see. "               there would be about 239 years of oil left (at current
             Another  report  from  Reuters  citing  unnamed   consumption  levels  and  excluding  unproven
             sources  informed  that  the  U.S.  is  also  easing  reserves). However, the country has been preparing
             sanctions  on  Venezuela,  allowing  two  European  to re-enter global oil markets despite the diplomatic
             companies  to  ship  Venezuelan  crude  to  struggling  standoff. The country has increased production and
             Europe.Muller's  comments  come  as  negotiations  exports to China, where it finds its primary market.
             between  the  U.S.  and  Iran  on  a  new  nuclear  deal  According  to  analysts,  if  a  new  deal  is  concluded
             appear to be at an impasse. The Iranian side wants  with the U.S., Iran's foreign oil flow could increase by
             the U.S. to remove the Islamic Revolutionary Guard  500,000 and reach bpd to 1 million bpd.
             Corps from its list of terrorist organizations, but the  To  boost  oil  exports,  Iran  was  willing  to  offer  its
             U.S. does not seem willing to make that concession.  crude  at  a  discount  of  $11  a  barrel  to  the  Brent
             Meanwhile,  the  global  oil  price  situation  remains  benchmark  on  a  delivered  China  basis,  some  $8
             quite tense, with Brent crude oil trading above $120  below  Russian  crude  Urals,  traders  said.  With
             per barrel and West Texas Intermediate above $119  regards  to  the  current  geopolitical  and  economic
             per  barrel  at  this  time,  even  after  OPEC  agreed  to  tensions  around  the  World,  the  U.S.  have  a  keen
             increase  its  monthly  production  to  raise  target  by  interest in reaching a deal with Tehran, which could
             more than 200,000 bpd. Iran is currently producing  help drive down retail fuel prices as a result of lower
             around 2.5 million barrels of oil per day, exporting  crude oil prices.

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