Page 18 - Nigeria one mag en-21
P. 18

Refineries, the Nigerian industrialization challenge
                                                               To operate a refinery in an environment of a tap-
                                                               ped  pipeline,  severe  pollution,  kidnapping,  and
                                                               especially in times of climate change and public
                                                               awareness  of  the  need  for  alternative  energy
                                                               sources,  Nigeria’s  future  however  continues  to
                                                               advance in this 21st century. Nigeria’s natural re-
                                                               sources  lie  a  hundred  feet  beneath  its  service,
                                                               and they could transform the nation’s fortune.
                                                                 In  some  countries,  the  discovery  of  oil  has
                                                               brought unprecedented wealth, and development
                                                               while in some other countries, the discovery of oil
                                                               has    brought  economic  stagnation,  corruption.
                                                               For  oil  itself  has  excellent  qualities,  it  is  low  in
                                                 Petrol refinery  Sulphur,   easy   to   blend,   and   relatively

             Just a decade after oil was discovered in 1957, it  straightforward to drill. For a country like India,
             was a major factor tearing Nigeria apart in civil  they create about 5 million barrels per day, and
             war. Since then, production has seldom exceeded   that is a country where they don’t have oil at all.
             2 million barrels a day, many economists blamed   Nigeria  is  sitting  on  over  2,400,000  barrels  at  a
             the state-owned industry. Nigeria is sitting on 37  point and we don’t refine any of this oil. This is
             billion barrels of oil enough to power the country  an  opportunity  to  get  the  Nigerian  oil  and  gas
             for 273 years, the biggest producer of oil in Africa  industry where it needs to be. We import almost
             still imports from other countries.               100% of the oil we con-sume, for a country that
             According  to  the  Former  DG  Lagos  Chamber  of  has the tenth world larg-est oil reserve.
             Commerce  and  Industry  Dr.  Muda  Yusuf,  these  Business Mogul and Entrepreneur Aliko Dangote
             are state-owned refineries and we know what the   has decided to build a refinery. According to Dan-
             stories  have  been,  over  the  past  10  years.  They  gote,  the  refinery  would  be  producing  650,000
             have been underperforming closely, and become     barrels  daily.  “Nigeria  exports  almost  2,400,000
             a major liability, the problem of oil theft by mili-  daily and we don’t refine any at all”, he said.
             tant groups is endemic in Nigeria. By some esti-  According to Godwin Emefiele (Central Bank Go-
             mates, 15% of all crude produced is stolen and    vernor) setting up a 650,000 barrels per day refi-
             on the black market. NNPC runs 4 refineries that  nery,  is  usually  a  project  set  up  by  sovereign
             operate at a fraction of the capacity, the newest is  countries, not by an individual no matter how big
             4 decades old. According to a spokesman and an    the company is. According to Dangote, the refine-
             oil  and  gas  analyst  Bode  Ososami,  oil  does  not  ry is going to help to transform not only the oil
             have to be a curse. It is more truthful to say, for  and gas sector but also the entire economy of the
             Nigeria  oil  has  been  a  wasted  opportunity  and  country. A key solution to the oil supply issue in
             does not need to be that. He also mentioned that  Nigeria seems to be within reach. Business tycoon
             countries with abundant natural resources, tend   and entrepreneur Aliko Dangote has begun cons-
             to  have  challenges  with  economic  growth,  and  truction  of  a  giant  refinery  that  is  expected  to
             wealth development outcomes when you compare      dramatically change the way oil is supplied to Ni-
             them with fewer natural resources. The cause is   geria  and  the  rest  of  the  continent.  The  mega-
             not in the oil itself, but in how it has been mana-  refinery  is  expected  to  be  operational  in  the
             ged.                                              second half of 2022.

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