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The  facility  will  produce  annually  10,4  million  The  Dangote  facility  has  started  operations
             tons (Mt) of gasoline, 4,6 Mt of diesel, 4Mt of jet  despite  multiple  delays  caused  by  internal  and
             fuel,  0,69  Mt  of  polypropylene,  0,24  Mt  of  external  factors.  President  Muhammadu  Buhari
             propane,  32,000  tons  of  sulfur,  and  0,5  Mt  of  inaugurated the Dangote Fertilizer Plant in Ibeju-
             carbon black feed.                                Lekki Lagos, on March 22, 2022. It is estimated to
             There are currently approximately 40,000 workers  be  the  world’s  second-largest  fertilizer  plant,
             on  the  site.  After  completion,  the  number  of  producing 3 million metric tons (mt) of urea per
             employees  is  expected  to  rise  to  nearly  50,000-  year.  President  Buhari  acknowledges  the
             70,000.  Staff  members  include  engineers  and  economic  ramifications  of  such  a  major
             experts from around the world and local workers.  achievement: huge job opportunities, wealth, and
             To  build  skills  and  capacity  in  the  local  an  agricultural  boom.  Currently,  the  facility
             population, every foreign hire must be matched    exports to the USA, India, and Brazil, which can
             with four Nigerians. About 11,000 foreign workers  increase foreign exchange in the country. Known
             and up to 29,000 employees undergoing training    as  Africa’s  largest  Granulated  Urea  Fertilizer
             constitute the current staff. Ali Dangote is not the  complex  plant  with  a  capacity  to  load  and
             sole owner of the $19 billion project, although the  distribute  700  trucks  per  hour,  will  contribute
             refinery bears his name. NNPC, the state-owned    significantly  to  Nigeria’s  economy.  Over  $400
             Nigerian  National  Petroleum  Corporation  is    million in foreign exchange derived from exports
             taking  a  20%  stake.  Mr.  Dangote  holds       to  other  African  countries.  According  to
             approximately $9 billion of equity. The Standard  President  Buhari,  Nigeria  will  become  self-
             Chartered  Bank  is  leading  a  group  of  local  and  sufficient in fertilizer production. He stated “the
             foreign  banks  to  provide  $3,3  billion  for  the  fertilizer  we  are  commissioning  today,  has  the
             project.US  Trade  and  Development  has  funded  capacity  to  provide  multiplier  effects  on  our
             the refinery human resource development with a    economy, including job creation, which is a key
             3 billion training grant. In addition to providing  goal  of  my  administration.  The  nation  also
             cost  savings,  the  refinery  will  double  Nigeria’s  stands to gain extensively in earnings of foreign
             refining capacity and meet the growing demand     exchange  from  the  excess  production  of  the
             for crude oil. In Mr. Dangote’s view, the refinery  plant. I am informed that we have already started
             will  lead  to  a  significant  transformation  of  exporting to USA, Brazil, and India. The coming
             Nigeria  and  provide  many  benefits:  currency  on  stream  of  the  plant  is  creating  huge
             stability, the ability to generate foreign exchange  opportunities in the areas of employment, trade,
             through exports, an improved trade balance, and   warehousing,  transport,  and  logistics.  This  will
             an impact on agriculture and energy industries.   drastically  create  wealth,  reduce  poverty,  and
             At  a  recent  foreign  investors’  meeting  in  New  secure  the  future  of  our  nation.”  the  president
             York,  Nigeria’s  Central  bank  Governor,  Mr.   noted  that  Dangote  Group,  along  with  other
             Godwin  Emefiele  noted  that  Nigeria’s  import  of  subsidiaries,   is   Nigeria’s   second-largest
             petroleum  products  accounts  for  30%  of  its  employer,  after  the  Federal  Government.
             foreign  exchange  and  can  be  reversed  through  Chairman and CEO, Aliko Dangote, was praised
             the successful operation of the Dangote refinery.  for his leadership and contribution through his
             Several  challenges  have  delayed  the  completion  investment  activities  throughout  Africa  which
             of  the  much-anticipated  refinery,  including  the  confirmed  Nigeria’s  leadership  status  in  the
             recent  Covid-19  pandemic  that  caused  global  continent. Moreover, President Buhari, expressed
             economic turmoil, exposed many weaknesses in      gratitude for the initiative taken by Alhaji Aliko
             supply  chains,  and  delayed  transportation  of  Dangote, a Nigerian, to help solve this perennial
             some equipment to the plant.                      petrochemical import issue.

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