Page 19 - Nigeria one mag en-21
P. 19

Economy: Nigeria, a leading model in Africa
             Nigeria  is  the  undisputed
             giant  of  Africa.  Both  a  gas
             and oil country, Nigeria re-
             mains  the  leading  African
             economy. As a member of
             OPEC,  Nigeria  is  multiply-
             ing  its  continental  offensi-
             ves  and  has  reliable  allies
             who covet it and even court
             it   internationally.   The
             country  has  successfully
             taken its destiny in hand by
             develo-ping  a  strategy  ba-
             sed  on  its  private  sector
             while maintaining a strong
             and influential state.
             So  we  count  a  significant
             number  of  Nigerian  busi-                                                financial district, Lagos, Nigeria
             nessme who have become
             billionaires  (in  dollars)  and  who  are  launching  have opted for a strong national preference so-
             themselves to the " conquering " of the continent  metimes decried. We must choose our references
             with an important figure like Mr. Dangote at their  among ourselves and stop putting the interests of
             head.                                             Western countries ahead of our own.
             The dynamism of Nigerian entrepreneurs is also    African countries must lead a single and unique
             due to the large domestic market of a total popu-  fight centered on ourselves. It is much easier and
             lation  exceeding  200  million  people.  The  dyna-  more  useful  to  find  interests  among  ourselves
             mism of the economy can be seen in every city     than to import them outside our continent. Africa
             on a daily basis. People get up very early and walk  must  be  united  and  indivisible.  The  diversity  of
             the  streets  when  the  sun  is  barely  visible.  It  is  our cultures is in fact a wealth that must be con-
             usual to receive calls from employees before se-  sidered as an invaluable asset. By accepting our
             ven in the morning. There is a fleet of private jets  neighbor we become stronger than without him,
             at the airport ready to take off at any time. All of  by speaking with one voice we are more audible
             this is evidence that the economy is booming and  and  stronger.  We  will  not  develop  without  each
             that Nigeria can be a model for the rest of Africa.  other. Let's unite around the most powerful ones
             Africa must absolutely get rid of the perception  in order to have easier access to a deserved bet-
             that many of us have of Nigerians based on the    terment. We are already benefiting from institu-
             actions of a few "black sheep".                   tional  platforms  such  as  WAEMU  and  ECOWAS
             At the national level, we experience the same rea-  to implement this strategy. By turning these orga-
             lities as all African countries in terms of ethnic,  nizations  into  realities  that  reflect  our  common
             security and social aspects. This may be more vi-  interests, we can from tomorrow take resolutions
             sible in Nigeria due to the size of the country. We  that will enable us to move forward in this direc-
             must be inspired by the strong determination of   tion. What is true in West Africa is true in Cen-
             the Nigerian people who never give up and who     tral Africa, East Africa and South Africa.

              Nigeria                                                                                      19
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