Page 25 - Nigeria one mag en-21
P. 25
Recently, the Algerian Minis- The Nigeria-Morocco gas
ter of Energy and Mines, pipeline has been propo-sed
In the making, a
Mohamed Arkab said that its between the Nigerian Nat-ional
great project
country gives a special inter- Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
est to this very strategic pro- and the Moroccan Nat-ional
ject.The Nigeria Government Office for Hydrocarbons and
is al-so conscious of the new Mines (ONHYM) since 2016.
reality and is working on a This ambitious project will link
smooth transition by Nigeria with Morocco via
exploiting its enormous gas pipeline onshore and off-
potential. This means it will be shore, bringing natural gas re-
a formidable example of how sources through West and No-
African coun-tries can put rth Africa. This project will be-
their resources together in nefit thirteen countries in
order to achieve greatness. West and North Africa directly.
The development of the This will replace the lost gas
continent will necessarily be from Algeria to Spain. Moroc-
gaz pipeline construction
done through this innovative can gas resources are estimat-
Following up on the Gastech type of partnership. ed to be around 300 Tcf. It is
conference in Dubai, the Nige- clear that gas is one of the mo-
rian Minister of State for Pe- Nigeria-Morocco st important energy sources in
troleum Resources, Chief Gas Pipeline Project Africa, and it is becoming a
Timipre Sylva said in an inter- game-changer. More and more
view with CNBC Arabia televi- countries are recognizing that
sion channel that his country it can be a viable alternative to
has started to implement the oil, in addition to assisting in
construction of a gas pipeline energy consolidation.. Africa
to trans-port gas to Algeria has abundant access to gas, a
and Europe, this was mention- cleaner, and cheaper energy
ed while attending the confe- source.
rence. He reminded his audi-
ence that during oil explora-
tion, 256 billion cubic meters
of gas have been explored.
Chief Tmipre Sylva also
pointed out the era of fossil
fuel is coming to an end. The
CEO of the Algerian public oil
group, Sonatrach, Toufik pipeline in the desert
Hakkar, recently announced Morocco is trying to recover
that the feasibility study of the from the blow that it endured
Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline after the non-renewal of its
(TSGP) project, connecting 25-year contract with Algeria
Nigeria to Europe through Al- to send gas to Spain via its gas
geria is completed. pipeline. Morocco flags
Investment 25