Page 28 - Nigeria one mag en-21
P. 28

Thus,  the  PSA  engages  in  advocacy  activities  and  actively  works  for  more  equitable  and  efficient
             exploitation and distribution of our resources since energy is the lifeline for development. There will be
             no  development  without  massive  industrialization  and  no  industries  without  energy.  It  is  therefore
             imperative that Africans mobilize to exploit gas and oil through our own resources. Another important
             issue for the PSA is education. It believes that training and educating the youth is crucial to creating a
             critical  mass  of  qualified  workers,  not  simply  intellectuals.  Development  will  necessarily  require
             visionary leaders and quality human resources.
             The PSA approach is a great way to ensure access to Africa's natural resources for Africans. Despite
             being the world’s richest continent, Africa has not fully reaped the benefits of its resources. Our subsoil
             is  exploited  by  international  companies  without  the  benefit  of  our  populations.  In  our  countries,
             everything seems urgent. However, for the moment, we must prioritize the economic aspect, which will
             enable the masses to move from poverty and thus allow for a transformation of mentality. After all, a
             man  who  is  not  hungry  tends  to  focus  on  other  types  of  needs.  The  PSA  aims  to  promote  the
             responsibility of our youth around the value of work. Through its avant-garde thinking and actions, the
             PSA intends to change the aberrant circumstance of Africa and create a new paradigm that is centered
             around Africans.

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