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Investments in fossil fuels

                                                                                               fossil fuels  coal pile
             Climate  change  is  raising  global  awareness  that  deals arranged by banks at nearly $250 billion in
             prompts  government  officials  to  take  countless  2021.
             initiatives to combat it. Globally, the goal is to ac-  The largest change in fossil fuel financing is re-
             hieve  a  fully  sustainable  energy  landscape  in  ported by the Postal Savings Bank of China from
             2050.  Overall,  99.7%  of  CO2  emissions  are  ac-  2016 to 2020. The increase from $168 million in
             counted for by the countries. In the long run, the  2016 to $2.2 billion in 2020, was over 1200%. The-
             goal is to switch to 100% renewable wind, water,  se  investments  show  a  real  contradiction.  Even
             and  solar  power  by  2050,  with  at  least  80%  by  though  the  finance  industry  has  committed  to
             2030. Global warming would be mitigated and the   fighting climate change, the biggest banks in the
             energy sector would be stabilized if the planet we-  world  are  funding  the  fossil  fuel  industry  subs-
             re powered completely by sustainable energy. Ma-  tantially.
             ny nations around the world have enacted anti-oil  The  second-largest  change  between  2016  and
             policies that emphasize the need to transition to  2020  in  fossil  fuel  change  finance  was  seen  by
             clean  energy.  However,  this  dramatic  transfor-  China Minsheng Bank, as its financing reached $
             mation cannot be achieved without the full sup-   10.8 billion, a 550 % increase from $1.7 billion.
             port  of  global  stakeholders  (policymakers,  busi-  During the recent World Petroleum Congress in
             nesses, and other relevant organizations) In that  Houston   (Texas),   OPEC   Secretary-General
             context,  environmentalists  and  climate  change  Mohammad  Barkindo  stated:  “A  halt  in
             activists advocate Wall Street and banks around   investment  in  oil  and  gas  is  misguided.  Almost
             the  world  should  shun  fossil  fuels.  Efforts  are  $12 trillion in spending is made between now and
             being made to limit global emissions.             2045 to ensure adequate crude and gas supplies,
             JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Citi, RBC, and Mitsubishi  without which the world will see long-term scars
             UFS are the biggest lenders to fossil-fuel projects.  on energy security, affecting not only producers
             So far this year, JP Morgan has financed the most  but  also  consumers.”  They  propose  to  raise
             loans and bonds combined. For oil and gas com-    spending by the end of this decade to $523 billion
             panies, the bank has underwritten bond deals to-  a  year.  An  uncontrollable  increase  in  energy
             taling  $2.5  billion.  Another  big  lender  is  Wells  prices and economic unrest would be prevented
             Fargo,  which  has  provided  mostly  loans  to  the  with this step. Divestment from coal or curtaining
             companies in that sector.                         of lending to coal companies is not the solution
             Climate change is raising global awareness that   to mitigate climate change, according to financial
             Even  with  societal  pressure,  banks  worldwide  institutions. They believe oil and gas will still be
             continue to lend money and issue bonds from oil,  needed  in  the  near  future.  Governments  should
             gas, and coal companies, with fossil fuel bond    stop discouraging investments in fossil fuels.

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