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CERAWeek 2022
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From March 7 to March 11, 2022, Houston (Texas) hosted CERAWeek, the U.S energy summit, which is
considered one of the most prestigious and prominent energy conferences. This annual gathering was
an in-person event after two years of virtual conferences due to the Covid pandemic. Energy, finance,
policy, and technology leaders from around the world attended the summit to find solutions to the
energy crisis. The event drew thousands of attendees. This year’s theme was Pace of Change: Energy,
Climate, and Innovation.
It addresses the challenges at the event. During the semi- else do it.”. He was specifically
and opportunities of reducing nar, the ramifications of this referring to the future expan-
emissions while meeting glo- current war on global oil and sion of U.S exports.
bal economic growth needs. gas prices were discussed ex- U.S Energy Secretary Jennifer
The conference panelists have tensively. Oil and energy mar- Granholm addressed the con-
emphasized the need for a kets are expected to experien- ference attendees on March 9,
more secure energy supply. In ce more volatility in the near 2022. She spread the word
response to the soaring price future, according to Exxon about the government’s efforts
of oil following the Russia/Uk- Mobile Corp. Chief Executive to encourage additional output
raine conflict, oil and gas lea- Officer Darren Woods. Suncor from partners throughout the
ders advocate for a combina- Energy Inc. Chief Executive world. Granholm spoke about
tion of more fossil fuel produ- Officer Mark Little estimates the U.S administration’s inte-
ction and renewable energy. In that Canada’s oil could supply rest in partnering with the
light of the ongoing conflict, the U.S. with a third of the oil energy industry. This declara-
the conference seemed parti- that it usually imports from tion contradicts the claim that
cularly timely this year. Russia due to the Biden admi- the White House is seeking to
Approximately 23 billion cubic nistration’s ban. Charif Souki, speed up the transition to a
feet of natural gas is exported Chairman of LNG Developer low-carbon economy.
from Russia every day, most of Telurian Inc, said that while
which (about 90%) go to Euro- the U.S administration has a
pe or Eurasia. Nearly half of it climate policy, it lacks an
goes to Germany, Italy, France, energy policy. He stated,
and Belarus. It is believed that “What they can do is make it
Russia has more proven natu- happen a little faster and take
ral gas reserves than any ot- the credit for it, or take the
her country. It was therefore a blame for not doing it fast
constant topic of conversation enough and watch somebody The material for north stream 2
Perspectives 63