Page 63 - Nigeria one mag en-21
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developing nations do not fol-   It  was  a  dilemma  for  these   (Texas),  Chief  Timipre  Sylva,
             low  the  same  pace.  Some  na-  countries because not only ha-   Nigerian Minister of State for
             tions are not progressing fast   ve  they  contributed  very  little  Petroleum  Resources  stated  “
             enough  to  meet  the  Paris     CO2 emissions, but they must      We are still in transition from
             Agreement.  Many  countries      utilize  their  vast  oil  and  gas  firewood to gas.
             still  use  coal-fired  power  to  resources to achieve economic   Please  allow  us  to  continue
             meet  their  energy  needs.  The  growth.  Their  reluctance  to   with  our  own  transition”.
             energy transition is especially  adopt a swift energy transition   Equatorial Guinea Minister of
             difficult for countries such as  makes  sense  because  they       Mines  and  Hydro-carbons
             Nigeria, Mozambique, and Ve-     cannot afford to give up fossil   Gabriel  Obiang  Lima  echoed
             nezuela  that  export  fossil  fu-  fuel production, which greatly  those  concerns,  saying  pres-
             els,  as  well  as  countries  that  contributes  to  their  economic  sure  over  renewables  is  “very
             consume  a  disproportionate     development.  Nigerian  Presi-    unjust.”
             amount of coal, such as South    dent  Muhammadu  Buhari           It is controversial to pursue a
             Africa  and  Mongolia.  Euro-    committed  to  reaching  net-     Just  Transition  for  All  and
             pean and American experien-      zero  emissions  by  2060.  He    requires  the  cooperation  of  a
             ces  have  shown  that  shifting  said  that  “Nigeria  needs  ade-  broad  range  of  stakeholders,
             away from coal can take deca-    quate and sustained technical     such  as  government,  private
             des, and it is challenging from  and financial support to meet     sector,  communities,  acade-
             an  economic  perspective,  but  its goal”. As Africa’s largest oil  mics, and civil society.
             also socially and culturally.    producer,  Nigeria  generates     Nigeria,  Equatorial  Guinea,
             At the COP26 climate talks in    60%  of  its  government  reve-   Angola,  Gabon,  Libya,  Vene-
             Glasgow  (UK)  in  November      nue and 90% of its foreign ex-    zuela, Algeria, and others with
             2021,  developing  economies     change  earnings  from  fossil    hydrocarbons-dependent  eco-
             across  Africa,  Asia,  and  Latin  fuels.  The  Nigerian  govern-  nomies clearly require a more
             America were under pressure      ment envisions an even grea-      gradual and flexible approach
             to  reduce  carbon  emissions    ter role for oil and gas in the   to  transition  to  renewable
             just  as  they  were  industriali-  economy.   During      the     energy sources.
             zing it.                         CERAWeek in Houston

                                                                                COP 21: Heads of delegations.  © CC BY-SA 4

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