Page 25 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 25

Key figures                                       A multifaceted project
             In 2009, the estimated cost of the project was $10  The relaunch and the concretization of the Trans-
             billion. Currently, it is not excluded that this cost is  Saharan  Gas-Pipline  (TSGP)  comes  in  a  context
             revised upwards. Experts estimate that it will take  where  the  cost  of  gas  and  fossil  energy  is  rising.
             three years to build the trans-Saharan pipeline. 20  This  is  a  perfect  time  to  take  the  African  energy
             to  30  billion  cubic  meters  of  gas  could  be  market to the next level. Moreover, the project will
             transported from the Niger Delta to Nigeria.      have a positive economic and financial impact on
             The infrastructure will be owned 90% by Sonatrach  several  countries  in  sub-Saharan  Africa  and  the
             of  Algeria  and  NNPC  of  Nigeria.  The  remaining  Sahel.
             10% will be owned by the National Oil Company of  The  other  important  benefit  of  the  project  is
             Niger.                                            strategic.  Indeed,  in  the  words  of  the  Algerian
                                                               minister,   the   completion   of   this   giant
                                                               infrastructure  will  provide  many  markets  and
                                                               ensure a better place for the three countries in the
                                                               field  of  sustainable  development  and  energy
                                                               The security in this rather sensitive area of Africa
                                                               remains  a  major  risk  for  the  realization  of  this
                                                               project.  In  addition,  there  is  competition  from  a
                                                               similar project that will link Nigeria and Morocco.
                                                               Although  its  main  purpose  is  to  supply  gas  to
                                                               several  West  African  countries,  it  is  entirely
                                                               possible  to  use  the  Nigeria-Morocco  pipeline  to
                                                               supply gas to Europe.

                                                               An opportunity to supply Europe
                                                               Due  to  the  Russian  offensive  in  Ukraine,  the  gas
                                                               reserves  of  Africa  have  really  started  to  interest
                                                               Europe, which is highly dependent on Russian gas.
                                                               Indeed, Africa supplies the states of the European
                                                               Union  up  to  40%.  Tensions  with  the  West  along
                                                               with  financial  and  economic  sanctions  are  now
                                                               jeopardizing the supply of this raw material. From
                                                               April to June 2022, some countries of the European
                                                               Union  have  seen,  partially  or  totally,  their  gas
                                                               supply  cut  by  the  Russian  company  Gazprom.
                                                               Under  these  circumstances,  European  countries
                                                               are trying to free themselves from Russian gas by
                                                               diversifying their supplies. The Trans-Saharan Gas-
                                                               Pipeline represents a unique opportunity to exploit
                                                               Africa's  gas  resources  and  to  position  itself  as  a
                                                               major player in the global energy sector.

                       Route of the Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline © CC BY-SA 4.0  Tilghemt power plant, Hassi R'mel, Algeria © CC BY-SA 4.0

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