Page 27 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 27

Sonatrach, a major player in the oil industry in Africa

             The Algerian oil company is one of the most successful in Africa. What data do we have about this structure?

             History of Sonatrach             it in terms of performance. As a  energies.  This  means  several
             The  National  Company  for  Re-  result, it is only in fourth place  promising segments that allow it
             search,  Production,  Transport,  in  this  ranking.  Its  ambition  to  to develop its influence and po-
             Processing  and  Marketing  of   become a major player in the oil  wer in the sector.
             Hydrocarbons  (Sonatrach)  is    sector in Africa has not yet been  The  projects  of  this  large  orga-
             the  entity  responsible  for  oil  fully  achieved,  although  every  nization  cannot  be  discussed
             exploitation  in  Algeria.  Created  effort  is  being  made  to  reach  without  mentioning  the  TSGP
             in the last month of December    this goal.                        Trans-Saharan  Gas-Pipeline,  a
             1963,  it  quickly  embarked  on  The  company  intends  to  diver-  gas pipeline of more than 4000
             large-scale achievements to ma-  sify and develop its activities by  km  that  will  connect,  by  2027,
             ke the most of the country's oil  focusing  on  various  sub-areas  Nigeria  to  Algeria  through
             activity.  Thus,  the  year  after  its  related  to  energy.  It  constitutes  Niger.
             creation,  it  launched  the  cons-  almost  the  source  of  the  major  Furthermore, the company does
             truction of its first oil pipeline,  part  of  the  GDP  of  Algeria  and  not waste the slightest opportu-
             an  event  that  was  to  mark  an  in  fact,  it  rests  on  its  great  ex-  nity to open subsidiaries in dif-
             important  turning  point  in  its  pectations. It has recorded some  ferent  countries,  especially  in
             evolution.  In  the  following   corruption  cases  that  have  so-  Africa. It aims to materialize its
             years,  Sonatrach  undertook  se-  mewhat  tainted  its  reputation,  project  named  Phosphate  for
             veral  other  achievements  that  but  has  managed  to  reach  the  which it needs the contribution
             quickly  allowed  it  to  diversify  top despite this. The covid pan-  of  reliable  partners.  Numerous
             and  expand  its  activities.  The  demic will also have had a nega-  small projects in the field of re-
             nationalization of hydrocarbons  tive impact on Sonatrach, whose   fining,  oil  production  and  the
             is  the  event  that  will  lead  the  activities  have  been  slowed  production of new fuels are also
             company to strongly develop its  down for a long time.             being implemented or launched.
             activities.  Several  people  suc-                                 In the medium term, the compa-
             ceeded  each  other  at  the  head  Sonatrach's projects           ny  expects  to  penetrate  the
             of  the  company  for  different  Even if it is mainly active in the  South  American  and  Asian
             reasons  and  among  the  most   oil sector, the Algerian national  markets. Everything is being do-
             important names, we can men-     company  is  focusing  on  other  ne to make this happen as soon
             tion   Abdelmoumen      Ould     hydrocarbons, shale gas, mariti-  as possible.
             Kaddour,  Rachid  Hachichi  or   me transport and renewable
             Toufik Hakkar.

             The  stakes  and  challenges  of
             Since  its  inception,  Sonatrach
             has aimed to reach new heights.
             This is probably why it has ma-
             naged to rank among the top oil
             producing companies in Africa
             in  2020.  However,  many  other
             African countries are ahead of
                                                                                     Logo of Sonatrach

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