Page 58 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 58

The Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline back in use

                                                                                         gas pipeline, illustrative image

             The 1430 km long Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline (GME), which has been in operation since 1996, used to
             transport natural gas from the Algerian gas fields of Hassi R'Mel to the city of Cordoba in Spain via Morocco
             and the Strait of Gibraltar. Nevertheless, the gas transportation infrastructure has been closed since October
             2021  by  the  Algerian  state.  One  of  the  reasons  for  this  is  the  diplomatic  tension  between  Algeria  and
             Morocco over the long-standing and heated issue of the Western Sahara. This Moroccan-controlled territory
             is subject to a sovereignty claim by the Polisario Front, which is supported by Algeria. Spain therefore only
             receives Algerian gas through the Medgaz pipeline, which connects the Algerian facilities at Beni Saf to the
             port of Almeria.

             A shut-down and its consequences                 RIbera is a sign of reconciliation between the two
             Spain has thus recorded a decline in the volume of  countries after a year 2021 marked by many diplo-
             gas from Algeria even if the Medgaz pipeline has  matic and political crises.
             taken over. Indeed, the latter only carries 8 billion
             m3 per year against 10 billion for gas pipeline Ma-  A reopening as from June 2022
             ghreb Europe. In 2021 nearly 40% of Spanish natu-  Since June 28, 2022, Morocco has been supplied wi-
             ral gas came from Algeria. In the first quarter of  th natural gas by Spain through the Maghreb-Euro-
             this year, this figure has dropped to nearly 25%  pe gas pipeline infrastructure. This is the first time
             Because  the  GME  runs  570  km  through  Morocco,  the pipeline has been used to transport gas from
             the latter was entitled to 500 million m3 of gas. In  Europe to the Maghreb. On the digital application
             addition to that, the Cherifian kingdom obtained a  of Enagas, the structure in charge of the Spanish
             preferential  rate  for  the  same  volume  of  gas  per  gas network, there is a natural gas flow of 153,000
             year. It is worth noting that this volume of gas im-  m3/hour from Spain to Morocco.
             ports represented 97% of Morocco's needs. The bil-  The  only  condition  that  Algiers  imposed  was  that
             lion cubic meters of natural gas thus obtained allo-  its gas not be transported to a third destination not
             wed  the  operation  of  the  thermo-electric  power  included  in  their  agreement  (implicitly  Morocco).
             plants of Ain Beni Mathar in the East and Tahad-  In this, Madrid asserts in April 2022 through its Mi-
             dart in the North. They were producing 10% of the  nister of Ecological Transition that the gas delive-
             country's electricity. Furthermore, from an econo-  red is by no means Algerian. Rather, it is gas acqui-
             mic point of view, Morocco's revenues from the in-  red by Morocco on the international markets. The
             frastructure amounted to more than 50 million eu-  latter is delivered to Spain to be regasified before
             ros  per  year.  The  closing  of  the  Maghreb-Europe  joining  the  Cherifian  state  through  the  Maghreb-
             gas pipeline is therefore a serious blow to the Mo-  Europe gas pipeline. To prove its claims and clarify
             roccan economy. In support of Morocco, Spain has  the  situation,  Enagás  is  responsible  for  verifying
             decided to send gas from its territory through the  and issuing certificates on the origin of the gas to
             Maghreb-Europe  pipeline.  This  announcement  by  be transported to Morocco.
             the Spanish Minister of Energy Transition Teresa

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