Page 53 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 53

The global refineries saga

                                                                                        Oil refinery, illustrative image

              Sasol, a 108 000 bpd South African fuel producer,  Although  the  African  continent's  most  important
             declared a force majeure for the refining of pro-  oil  producer  is  having  production  issues,  it  is
             ducts due to a poor study of the supply of crude oil.  strongly betting on the opening of the Dangote, a
             Important  delays  were  noticed  on  the  flow  of  the  650  000-bpd  refinery  by  the  end  of  this  year  and
             black gold which in turn impacted the functioning  has  made  significant  investments  to  revamp  its
             of refineries.                                    production and transformation.
             This  recurring  phenomenon  observed  since  the  On  the  other  hand,  based  on  2021  statistics,  Asia
             beginning of COVID 19 has had negative effects on  with  its  316  refineries  hosts  the  world's  greater
             the oil sector. Many refineries that were capable of  numbers  of  refineries.  That  is  the  reason  why  it
             transforming coal, a far more polluting source of  does not seem to be greatly affected by the world-
             energy, have already resumed energy production.   wide phenomena of closing refineries worldwide.
             In addition, the Russia – Ukraine crisis is not ma-
             king things any easier and has significantly redu-
             ced the availability of the crude oil in the interna-
             tional market.
             Refining capabilities have drastically decreased to
             about 20% since 2020. For instance, Marathon Pet-
             roleum  said  in  August  2020  that  it  would  perma-
             nently close two refineries in Martinez, California,
             and  Gallup.  In  the  US  alone,  five  refineries  have
             shut  down  within  the  past  two  years  bringing  the
             nation's refining capacity by about 5% as of June
                                                                                             DANGOTE group logo

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