Page 55 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 55

Our economies are hanging by a thread

                                                                                          russian oil, illustrative image

             Fuel price has risen significan-  The Soviet Union does not exist  Most  importantly,  Russia  is  a
             tly in most part of the world in  anymore, but Russia has proven   nuclear  power,  a  status  that
             the first part of 2022. This inc-  to the World that it is a major  grants Russians protection and
             rease  seems  to  be  associated  force  that  should  not  be  igno-  guarantees that they will not be
             mostly with the crisis in Ukrai-  red. By attacking Ukraine, Euro-  attacked  by  the  Americans  or
             ne. The entire globe went to an  pean countries along with their   the  Europeans  to  preserve  wo-
             unprecedented crisis which ap-   ally  the  US  came  together  with  rld peace.
             peals to our spirits and should  sanctions  to  force  great-Russia  To  make  matters  worse,  China
             make us think twice.             to stop its invasion.             and India have found a way to
                                              As a result, the world economy    acquire Russian gas and oil at a
                                              went  into  a  recession  with  pri-  cheaper  price  as  we  all  know
                                              ces  increasing  around  the  glo-  nations have interests not frien-
                                              be; not only fuel and its subsi-  ds.  They  have  jumped  on  the
                                              diaries  went  up,  but  all  other  opportunity  to  get  abundant
                                              industries  suffered  from  the   supply  and  to  increase  their
                                              war.                              productivity at the same time.
                                              Russia  is  ranked  at  the  sixth  On the other hand, Ukraine car-
                                              place  when  it  comes  to  the   ries a lot of weight as a food ex-
                                              world oil reserve and entire re-  porter, it contributes to 42% of
                                              gions depend heavily on its sup-  the sunflower oil traded world-
                                              ply. It holds about 1.688 trillion  wide, 16% of the maize and 9%
                                              cubic  feet  (Tcf)  of  proven  gas  of  the  wheat.  Some  countries
                                              reserves  based  on  2017  data   like Lebanon depend heavily on
                                              and is occupying the first place  it.  In  some  parts  of  the  world,
                                              in  the  world  with  just  24%  of  famine has started and that was
                                              the  world's  total  natural  gas  linked  to  the  Russia-  Ukraine
                 Pro Ukraine protesters in Nuremberg,  reserves of 6.923 Tcf.   conflict.

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