Page 9 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 9

Rising opportunities for local oil firms to expand

                                                                                               Eloko, Lekki, Nigeria

             The Local Content Act has com-   servoirs,  machines…  by  com-    To  boost  and  encourage  local
             pleted the transformation of the  munity and criminal groups.      firms, Nigerian government just
             oil sector. Even though the tar-  Septa  Energy,  Nigeria’s  leading  awarded petroleum prospecting.
             get  to  achieve  in-country  value  energy  supplier  has  made  the  licenses  to  161  marginal  fields
             addition of 70% within 10 years  headlines  when  it  bought  the  companies,  allowing  them  to
             has fallen short, the Act has ne-  offshore shallow water business  conduct  extensive  exploration
             vertheless   achieved   some     of  ExxonMobil  in  Nigeria  for  activities,  remove  and  dispose
             success.                         $1.2 billion.                     of commercially feasible petro-
             50% of all engineering jobs are  The  fuel  crisis  has  also  led  to  leum  discovered  during  pros-
             done  by  Nigerians  and  40%  of  the  proliferation  of  artisanal  pecting operations. The govern-
             marine vessels are produces in   refineries  in  the  oil-producing  ment  has  also  issued  new  gui-
             Nigeria. Thousands of jobs have  Niger Delta region. The recently  delines  for  the  development  of
             been  created  and  the  service  signed  Petroleum  Industry  Act  “marginal  fields”  which  favor
             companies has risen from 44 to   (PIA) 2021 aims to pave the way   local companies, as part of the
             92 in 10 years.                  for  increased  investment  in    requirements and implementa-
             The legislation passed last year  Nigeria’s  crude  oil  refining  tion  process  of  the  Petroleum
             requires  all  exploration  and  capacity.                         Industry Act (PIA) 2021.
             production companies to set up   Recently, there has been increa-
             host  community  development     sed  interest  from  the  Nigerian
             trusts  for  the  benefit  of  the  government’s petroleum minis-
             areas in which they operate.     try  in  modular  refineries  as  a
             Local  firms  in  the  sector  have  means of addressing the deficit
             emerged  over  the  past  decade  of petroleum products.
             in  the  wake  of  international  Modular  refineries  are  simpli-
             companies  moving  out  of       fied  crude  oil  refineries  with
             Nigeria.  Some  of  them  move   capacities ranging from 1,000 to
             into  deeper  water  to  avoid  cri-  30,000 barrels per day. They are
             minal  damage  to  their  assets  well-suited for remote areas.
             onshore such as pipelines, re-
                                                                                              Logo of Septa Energy

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