Page 12 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 12

Nigeria:  strengthening  security  at  oil  production  sites,  a

             challenge for the industry

                                                                                        Police badge, illustrative image

             Nigeria  has  been  facing  a  major  challenge  for  many  than 200,000 barrels are transported daily to illicit refi-
             years: insecurity. Unfortunately, the hydrocarbon sector  neries. If human lives are not spared, neither is the envi-
             has  not  been  left  behind.  Indeed,  while  the  country's  ronment. The Niger Delta is one of the most polluted pla-
             abundant  hydrocarbons  attract  investors,  numerous  ces in the world.
             criminal organizations have also set out to conquer the  Government agencies have reportedly identified 142 si-
             subsoil  of  the  Niger  Delta.  This  region  alone  generates  tes, 128 of which were destroyed in February. Although
             nearly 400 billion dollars. Every year, it is estimated that  other similar tragedies have occurred, the measures ha-
             illegal refineries take 10% of the national production.   ve not been reduced. An intervention by the army led to
             The  stolen  oil  is  transformed  into  highly  flammable  the  destruction  of  several  clandestine  refineries.  Their
             smuggled gasoline. On April 24, no fewer than 100 wor-  nocturnal  working  hours  clearly  no  longer  deceive  the
             kers at an illegal refinery lost their lives.     vigilance of the troops deployed.
             Since January 2022, the Nigerian government has imple-  The extreme working conditions and the dangers to whi-
             mented  a  campaign  to  eradicate  illegal  refinery  sites.  ch these illegal workers are exposed are no longer to be
             This  operation  has  been  followed  by  the  destruction  of  demonstrated. And even if steps are taken, this must be
             more than a hundred of the discovered sites. The explo-  coupled  with  an  effective  plan  to  fight  unemployment.
             sions,  which  caused  terrifying  devastation  due  to  the  Putting  an  end  to  these  actions  would  therefore
             dangerous  exploitation  of  oil,  revealed  the  activity  car-  necessarily involve a negotiation based largely on the is-
             ried out in the shadows by the population. The latter, gui-  sue of employment.
             ded  by  poverty  and  unemployment,  find  their  way  to  The  problems  linked  to  oil  production  are  numerous.
             employment in very risky pseudo-industries.       The  solutions  put  in  place  by  the  government  aim  to
             Several  investigations  have  identified  a  shipment  of  avoid upsetting the population, given the fragile balance
             stolen oil at one of the sites, which was then transported  that  artisanal  refining  maintains  between  several  pla-
             to the site. The illicit refining process, which consists of  yers. Several opinions agree that the promotion of mo-
             heating the liquid to a very high temperature, has alrea-  dular  refineries  by  legalizing  them  is  a  solution.  This
             dy  condemned  hundreds  of  human  lives.  Despite  laws  should reduce crime and improve security in the creeks
             established by the authorities, the practice persists, har-  that are the locations of illegal refining centers.
             ming adults and children alike. It is estimated that more

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