Page 13 - Nigeriaone mag 2 edition en
P. 13

Gas-powered buses now circulating in Abuja

                                                                                 Natural gas bus, illustrative image

             Nigeria is Africa's largest produ-  gasoline vehicles to gas. This policy  Addressing the issue of road trans-
             cer  and  exporter  of  crude  oil  is  intended  to  ensure  that  the  port  in  Nigeria  has  a  special  di-
             and intends to position itself as  country's  gas  reserves  are  used  to  mension, both practically and sym-
             an energy leader in the coming   the fullest. This fossil fuel, which is  bolically. A common feature of the
             transition.  The  country  has   available in limited quantities and,  country is its sprawling megalopo-
                                                                                lis,  where  traffic  is  intense  and
                                              by  definition,  non-renewable  on  a
             launched  an  ambitious  policy  human  time  scale,  appears  to  be  users often have to wait for hours
             called  "Vision  30:30:30"  which  less polluting than many fuels used  to  travel  short  distances  in  their
             aims to provide Nigeria with 30  in  Africa.  While  gas  emits  CO2  means of transport. Large-scale de-
             GW  of  installed  capacity  by  during  combustion,  it  emits  30%  ployment of clean buses across the
             2030, 30% of which will be rene-  less  than  oil  and  half  as  much  as  country  would  help  relieve  traffic
             wable.                           coal,  which  is  less  harmful  to  the  congestion  and  reduce  carbon
             A  small  revolution  is  currently  environment. It is therefore a truly  emissions.  Fola  Akinnola,  Fomac's
             taking place in the capital, whe-  transitional  energy.  Thus,  the  lau-  managing director in charge of the
             re gas-powered buses have been   nch of this new service will have a  project, did not hide his pride and
                                              positive  impact  on  the  environ-
                                                                                future  ambitions:  "Our  plan  this
             running since May 5, 2022. The   ment,  as  well  as  on  the  users'  fi-  year  is  to  reach  100  buses".  Cities
             initiative is in line with a federal  nancial wellbeing, since it offers a  such as Lagos and Maiduguri have
             government  policy  called  the  more  convenient  and  accessible  expressed an interest.
             "National  Gas  Expansion  Pro-  transport  model  than  traditional
             gram", which aims to convert     buses.

             Nigeria                                                                                      13
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