Page 10 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 10

The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources says more than

             $20 billion is needed to Bridge the Gas Infrastructure Deficit.

                                                                    Chief Timipre Sylva, Minister of State for Petroleum Resources

             The  Minister  of  State  for  Petro-  According  to  the  minister,  and  achieving  the  targeted  gas
             leum  Resources,  Chief  Timipre  MDGIF  was  set  up  under  the  initiatives  intended  to  improve
             Sylva, has stated that Nigeria will  Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) and  the  gas  infrastructure  deficit  in
             need  $200  billion  to  bridge  the  is  partnering  with  the  Nigerian  the country.
             gas  infrastructure  deficit  in  the  Midstream  and  Downstream  The Minister mentioned that ur-
             next 10 years, with $20bn spen-  Petroleum  Regulatory  Authority  gent measures need to be taken
             ding yearly.                     (NMDPRA)  and  it  is  expected  to  to mitigate the gas infrastructure
             He disclosed this information at  benefit  from  operational  and  deficit,  and  in  doing  so,  bring
             the inauguration of a nine-mem-  organizational processes as well  gas infrastructure closer to ‘our
             ber  governing  council  commit-  as internal reporting.           people to enable them to benefit
             tee of the midstream and down-   He  further  stated  that  the    from  government  policy  in  this
             stream  gas  infrastructure  fund  council would be responsible for  regard’.
             (MDGIF).  The  Minister  of  State  making investment decisions for  The  Minister  of  Petroleum  will
             Petroleum  Resources  maintai-   the fund. A few months ago, Pre-  act  as  the  council  chairman
             ned  that  the  gas  infrastructure  sident  Muhammadu  Buhari  had  while  the  executive  director  of
             deficit  had  resulted  in  poor  gas  declared  that  the  next  decade  MDGIF will serve as chief execu-
             production,  low  domestic  gas  should  be  focused  on  gas  deve-  tive officer. Other members inc-
             utilization and gas flaring in the  lopment in Nigeria.            lude Victor Omata, representing
             country.                         Sylva added that the Federal Go-  federal  ministry  of  finance,
             He  requested  that  the  newly  set  vernment  had  been  instru-  Scholastica  Nnaji,  representing
             up committee should work hard    mental  in  putting  in  place    the  Central  Bank  of  Nigeria
             to mobilize funds needed for the  several policy initiatives targeted  (CBN)  and  Farouk  Ahmed,  chief
             provision  of  gas  infrastructure  at  developing  the  huge  gas  executive officer NMDPRA.
             for the industry.                potential

             Nigeria                                                                                      10
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