Page 5 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 5


                                                              Almighty  Russia  invaded  Ukraine  against  all  odds
                                                              when Europe and America wore in vain. This results
                                                              in  a  large  part  of  the  population  fleeing  to  other
                                                              To  make  matters  worse,  the  world  realized  that
                                                              because  of  this  invasion,  people  are  going  hungry
                                                              and  in  some  places,  the  thought  of  starvation  was
                                                              being  agitated  by  governments.  For  humanitarian
                                                              reasons, Macky Sall, the newly elected African Union
                                                              chairperson,  appealed  to  President  Putin  to  allow
                                                              "food ships" to leave Ukraine.
                                                              After  the  ban  on  Russian  oil  and  gas  products,
                                                              Russian  gas  became  a  super-hot  commodity  that
                                                              played a vital role in Europe and other parts of the
                                                              world.  It  was  a  wake-up  call  to  acknowledge  that
                                                              nothing  in  life  is  guaranteed  when  the  EU  leaders
                                                  Logo of l'ASP  called  for  "energy  solidarity"  among  European

             Since  2020,  the  world  has  gone  through  incredible  nations.
             changes,  especially  after  COVID-19  and  the  Russia-  Governments  all  over  Europe  have  asked  for  a
             Ukraine  crisis.  Both  have  an  economic,  social  &  reduction  in  gas  consumption  and  stressed  the
             religious impact on the populations no matter where  importance of prioritizing life-impacting industries.
             they reside on the globe.                        Developing  other  forms  of  energy,  including  going
             As the social implications of the Coronavirus became  back to coal, is the new normal.
             apparent,  we  witnessed  countries  shutting  down  The less affected countries, especially in Europe, are
             completely.  After  Covid  tests  became  the  norm  to  gradually  reducing  imports  from  the  old  Soviet
             pass  frontiers,  a  controversial  vaccine  divided  the  Union  as  China  and  India  position  themselves  as
             medical world and sparked wild speculations.     potential buyers with stiff discounts.
             For more than two years, Saudi Arabia allowed only a  African  countries  in  a  bold  move  did  not  align
             limited  number  of  pilgrims  inside  Saudi  Arabia  to  behind the European Union or America but instead
             make  the  pilgrimage  to  Mecca,  one  of  the  world's  left  an  open  door  to  Russia  while  condemning  the
             most revered sites. A third of the usual three million  invasion.  Considering  Mali  and  Guinea  Conakry's
             applicants have been allowed to enter in 2022.   recent radical positions towards France, this may be
             A  trail  of  economic  consequences  brought    the premise of an African Renaissance.
             uncertainty  showing  the  important  role  China  is  There has never been such a tumultuous situation in
             playing as the world’s biggest manufacturer. Scarcity  geopolitics, but one thing for sure is the world is a
             was the norm in all countries, with empty shelves a  big  village,  so  whatever  happens  in  one  corner,  it
             common  occurrence  in  America,  which  was  once  ripples  through  the  entire  village  with  devastating
             called "the land of all excess".                 consequences. African nations must prepare for the
             Observing the Ukraine invasion, on the other hand,  worst and shape their own destiny.
             made us realize that there are no guarantees in this
             world. Super nuclear powers can change the course
             of a free nation at any time and impose themselves  Yamar Fall
             without any radical consequences.                Pan-Africanism Solidarity Association

             Editorial                                                                                     5
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