Page 8 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 8

NNPC fails to remit money to the federation account

                                                                                               NNPC Headquarters

            The  Nigerian  Petroleum  Company  (NNPC)  has  not  The  projects  NNPC  listed  include  Subsidy  pipeline
            been able to remit money to the federation account  security  and  maintenance  cost  payment,  refineries
            since the beginning of January 2022. This is in spite  repairs,  national  domestic  gas  development,  cost
            of the fact that oil prices in the international market  recovery/cash call and oil search.
            has been rising as a result of the Ukraine/ Russian  Others  are  Renewable  Energy  Development  (REID),
            crisis.                                           Nigeria  Morocco  Pipeline,  Gas  Infrastructure
            The inability of NNPC to remit funds has put severe  Development  and  Crude  Oil  Pre-Export  Inspection
            pressure  on  the  finances  of  the  government  at  Agency Expenses.
            federal, state and local government levels.       The  breakdown  of  NNPC  expenditure  in  the  FAAC
            NNPC has provided a breakdown of how it spent all  report is as follows:
            the  money  it  made  from  oil  sales.  Some  genuine  N 1.59 trillion was spent on fuel subsidy
            explanations  were  given  as  to  why  the  NNPC  could  N  658  billion  was  spent  on  cash  recovery/cash
            not  make  remittances  to  the  federal  account;  these  calls
            explanations  were  detailed  in  its  July  Federation  Other expenses include Oil search, N14.32 billion
            Account  Allocation  Committee  (FAAC)  presentation  and Pipeline securities, N12.42 billion
            document that was retrieved from its website.         Refineries rehabilitation- N54.6bn
            The  document  revealed  that  NNPC  earnings  from   Pre-Export Financing- N35bn
            crude  oil  and  gas  sales  between  the  months  of  National Domestic Gas Development- N8bn
            January to June was N2.38 trillion.                   Nigeria Morocco Pipeline- N3bn
            However,  NNPC  was  quick  to  suggest  that  a      Gas Infrastructure Development – N7.4bn.
            significant amount of the money earned during the
            period  was  spent  on  10  projects,  leaving  the  state
            government with no funds.

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