Page 17 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 17

The managing director of NNPC     nings  accrued  from  crude  oil  ment of 7 million barrels of cru-
             in  a  recent  remark  made  this  and  gas  receipts  was  only  N400  de oil.
             week, claimed that the value loss  billion  that  the  state  owned  oil  In its outlook for Nigeria’s ener-
             to  sabotage  and  thieves  is  an  company  gained  in  terms  of  gy  sector,  Cardinal  Stone  Part-
             estimated  700,000  barrels  per  revenue.  The  available  records  ners Limited, an investment firm
             day of crude oil production.      disclosed  that  the  country  has  has  predicted  that  the  energy
             The  managing  director  of  the  paid  an  estimated  2  trillion  to  sector will remain in ditches and
             Nigerian  National  Petroleum     offset subsidy payments over the  will  continue  to  perform  poorly
             Corp.  (NNPC)  sparked  contro-   7-month  period  —  whereas  the   in the second half of 2022.
             versy this week when he said the  payment of N1 trillion has been  In  a  conference  themed:  “Same
             value  loss  to  thieves  and  sabo-  carried forward.            Challenges,  New  Shocks”  it  was
             tage is the equivalent of 700,000  Beyond  the  payments  made  by  pointed  out  that  pre-election
             barrels per day of crude oil pro-  the state oil company, the Nige-  year  concerns  and  the  sky  roc-
             duction. Mr Kyari went further to  rian  National  Petroleum  Com-  keting inflationary trends will be
             accuse  mosques  and  churches    pany  is  expecting  N300  billion  important  factors  responsible
             for  keeping  stolen  petroleum   from four oil companies – Mobil  for  ensuring  the  energy  sector
             products;an  allegation  that  has  Producing   Nigeria   (MPN),  continues  to  perform  poorly  in
             not been substantiated with any   Chevron  Nigeria  Limited  (CNL),  addition  to  the  issues  of  crude
             credible  evidence  and  one  that  Shell   Petroleum   Company   theft and pipeline vandalism.
             religious  groups  have  vehe-    (SPDC)  and  First  E  and  P  this
             mently denied. The total ear-     month for an outstanding pay

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