Page 19 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 19

Minister of State for Petroleum Resources Commissions MAUTH

             Teaching Hospital

                                                               development  in  the  region.  He  further  stated  that
                                                               “what  he  had  seen  here  was  commendable  and
                                                               collaboration  of  this  nature  was  the  only  way  the
                                                               nation’s  economic  development  can  be  attained  in
                                                               the shortest period of time.”
                                                               The  MAUTH  project  according  to  the  Minister  of
                                                               State  for  Petroleum  Resources  is  evidence  of  the
                                                               commitment  of  the  President  Muhammadu  Buhari
                                                               led government to redeem its campaign promise to
                             MAUTH hospital logo
                                                               the people of the North East, and in doing so it will
             As  part  of  the  President  Muhammadu  Buhari’s  accelerate  the  much  needed  reconstruction,
             initiative  to  rebuild  the  North  East  region  that  has  rehabilitation, and rebuilding of the region that was
             been  destroyed,  devastated  and  ravaged  by  the  devastated because of the insurgency in the region
             activities of the terrorists group Boko Haram in the  that  saw  the  wanton  destruction  of  lives,  social
             last  two  decades.  The  Modibbo  Adama  University  infrastructure, property and livelihood of the people
             Teaching  hospital  was  upgraded  with  the  state-of-  in the region.
             the-art facilities that has made it become one of the  Timipre Sylva stated that upgrading of the facility in
             best in the country.                              Modibbo Adamawa University Teaching Hospital was
             The  Minister  of  State  Petroleum  Resources  spoke  done with the purpose of enhancing the training of
             during  the  commissioning  of  the  state-of-the-art  medical  students,  medical  doctors,  healthcare
             facilities  Radiography  Centre  at  Modibbo  Adama  practitioners,  reducing  doctor-patient  ratio  and  to
             University  Teaching  Hospital  (MAUTH),  Yola,   boost healthcare delivery in the region.
             Adamawa  State.  The  project  was  exclusively  funded  The  commissioning  of  the  hospital  was  done  with
             by the Oil and Gas intervention programme.        modern medical Q facilities and equipment such as
             Chief  Timipre  Sylva  stated  that  the  project  was  a  MRI, CT-Scan and X-rays. The use of these modern
             clear evidence and demonstration on the part of the  facilities  will  improve  response  time  of  medical
             Federal  Government  commitment  to  ensure  that  personnel to health-related matters of the people in
             some  level  of  normalcy  returns  to  the  North  East  the  region  and  also  enhance  learning  ability  as
             region  by  providing  the  critical  infrastructure,  laboratory testing and case management have been
             security,  education,  healthcare,  energy,  services,  integrated  to  one  location.  Consequently,  patients
             agriculture, human capital development, and poverty  will have quicker response to infection confirmation
             alleviation needed to bolster economic development  and  sample  collection,  and  this  will  ensure  early
             in the North East.                                diagnosis,  early  treatment  and  reduce  patient
             The Minister of State suggested that it was important  suffering and mortality in the state.
             for  the  private  sector  and  government  to  combine
             resources, and to collaborate on important projects
             as demonstrated by the intervention of the oil and
             gas sector which was spearheaded by the ministry of
             petroleum  resources.  The  public  private  sector
             initiative is intended to fast track development in the
             region across various critical sectors that have been
             damaged by the activities of the terrorists group.
             Chief  Timipre  Sylva  noted  that  this  kind  of
             collaboration   was   sorely   needed  to    jump   start
                                                                   MRI machine, state-of-the-art equipment available to the hospital

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