Page 42 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 42

Mr Udengs Eradiri, a former President of Ijaw Youth
             Council  (IYC),  and  a  current  youth  leader  had
             proposed  that  the  modular  refineries  that  the
             government  intends  to  set  up  should  absorb  the
             youths involved in artisanal refining.
             According  to  Mr  Eradiri,  artisanal  refining  in  the
             region is popularly known as ‘kpoo fire’ were actually
             resolving  a  problem  of  shortage  of  petroleum
             products  in  the  region,  as  the  unavailability  and
             scarcity of the product in the region resulted in the
             artisanal  refiners  becoming  players  in  the
             downstream  sector.  As  their  activity  in  the  sector
             sort to fill a vacuum that existed.
             The  activities  of  the  illegal  refiners  has  posed  a
             serious problem in the region, as Governor Nyesom
             Wike of Rivers State has actively waged a war against
             illegal  refineries  in  his  state,  the  former  IYC
                                                                              Ezenwo Nyesom Wike, Governor of Rivers State
             president acknowledged the problem and suggested
             that  the  war  could  not  be  won  by  the  use  of  force  “As  part  of  our  Nigerian  Content  Development
             alone.                                            mandate,  we  are  actively  involved  in  skills
             Mr  Eradiri  had  advocated  for  a  carrot  and  stick  development programmes at various levels to ensure
             approach to be applied to addressing the problem of  that  technical  skills  required  in  the  oil  and  gas
             illegal refining in the region and advocated against  sector are readily available,” Obah said.
             the  use  of  force  and  security  agency  to  tackle  the  In  verifying  the  claims  of  the  director,  the  News
             problem.                                          Agency  of  Nigeria  (NAN)  checks  reveal  that  the
             The  youth  leader  stated  that  there  were  serious  NCDMB  has  announced  the  construction  of  a
             ramifications  of  forcing  the  illegal  refinery  modular refinery on the 3rd of February, 2021 with a
             operators  out  of  business  without  adequate   capacity  of  2,000  barrels  per  day  (bpd)  in  Brass,
             preparation of an alternative source of livelihood for  Bayelsa was under way.
             the artisanal refiners. He stated that if the issue was  NAN investigation reveals that the modular refinery
             not  delicately  handled,  it  could  result  in  another  is  the  4th  supported  by  the  NCDMB  under  the
             layer of crisis in the region, adding that the skill set  planned  initiative  of  the  Federal  Government  of
             acquired by the youth would prove useful – and that  Nigeria  to  use  modular  refineries  as  a  mechanism
             if  harnessed  would  provide  the  manpower  that  is  and tool to drive the development in the Niger Delta
             required for the intended modular refineries.     region  and  also  enhance  the  capacity  of  local
             In his response, a Director at the Nigerian Content  refining in Nigeria.
             Development  and  Monitoring  Board  (NCDMB),  Mr
             Patrick  Obah  mentioned  at  a  recent  forum  that
             government  had  set  up  several  skill  acquisition
             initiatives  targeted  at  integrating  artisanal  refinery
             operators with the necessary education and training
             necessary  to  upgrade  the  skill  set  of  the  artisanal
             refiners. However, he was quick to point out that the
             initiatives are yet to yield the desired and expected
             “We  at  the  NCDMB  were  involved  in  talks  to  bring
             the  local  operators  together  and  we  have  been
             working with the Bayelsa Government and not much
             has happened in that direction.                                                      Rivers State Seal

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