Page 44 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 44

Mr  Simbi  Wabote,  Executive  Secretary  of  NCDMB,  He  reiterated  that  the  Atlantic  Modular  Refinery  is
             revealed  that  the  board  had  injected  equity  capital  the 4th in the series of the NCDMB partnerships with
             funds   in   three   other   modular   refineries:  private  sector  initiatives  as  part  of  the  goal  of
             Hydroskimming    modular   refinery   that   is   Federal Government’s Roadmap to addressing some
             constructed  by  Azikel  Petroleum  Limited  at   of the protracted oil and gas problem in the region.
             Obunagha, Gbarain, Bayelsa State; Waltersmith 5,000   “With  the  recent  inauguration  of  the  Waltersmith
             bpd  modular  refinery  at  Ibigwe,  is  already  Refinery, we have proven that the concept is doable
             operational in Imo State and the 2,500 bpd modular  with the right dedication and partnership models.
             refinery  being  developed  by  Duport  Midstream  “Our focus now is to ensure the completion of the
             Company as part of its Energy Park in Egbokor, Edo.  remaining   three   modular   refineries   under
             The Executive Secretary, in his observations, at the  construction,” the executive secretary said.
             launching  of  the  construction  of  the  modular  The  modular  refinery  initiative  is  part  of  the
             refinery  at  Brass  in  Bayelsa,  listed  the  various  roadmap by the Federal Government in resolving the
             elements  of  the  Energy  Park  project  to  include  a  oil  theft,  vandalism  and  youth  restiveness  in  the
             2,000 bps modular refinery, jetty and power plant.  region. With a sustained commitment of the board
             He  was  quick  to  mention  that  a  project  of  such  to  drive  the  growth  of  modular  refineries  in  the
             magnitude was important to the region as it would  country,  it  is  expected  that  these  refineries  will
             act  as  a  catalyst  in  spurring  economic  and  address  the  protracted  problem  of  fuel  crisis,  fuel
             infrastructural development in Bayelsa State.     shortages  and  fuel  scarcity,  as  well  as  reduce  the
             He  explained  that  the  NCDMB  in  a  unanimous  enormous burden that importing refined petroleum
             decision - decided to partner Atlantic International  products with foreign currency that could be put to
             Refinery  and  Petrochemical  Ltd  in  line  with  its  more productive use.
             responsibility  and  mandate  to  develop  the  oil  and
             gas sector in the region.

                                                                                           Waltersmith Headquarters

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