Page 46 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 46

NNPC Board Attends Gastech’s 50th-Anniversary Conference

                                                                                                   Gastech Poster

             Gastech  is  the  world’s  largest  Sigmar  Gabriel,  former  Vice-  ted. As such, Gastech has a very
             exhibition and integrated confe-  Chancellor and Foreign Minister  important role to play in bring-
             rence  supporting  the  global   of  Germany,  Lorenzo  Simonelli,  ing  to  the  fore  critical  discus-
             natural  gas,  hydrogen,  liquefied  Chairman  and  CEO,  Baker    sions centred on the energy mix,
             natural  gas  and  low-carbon  so-  Hughes,  Christiana  Figueres,  innovative solutions to the pecu-
             lutions  value  chain  and  it  held  former Secretary General of the  liar  and  existing  energy  pro-
             its  most  recent  conference  in  UNFCCC,  Professor  Dr  Klaus-  blems.
             Millan  from  the  5th  to  8th  of  Dieter  Maubach,  CEO  of  Uniper  In  attendance  at  the  Gastech
             September, 2022.                 SE,  Dan  and  Brouillette,  Presi-  conference in Millan were mem-
             Gastech’s  50th-anniversary  edi-  dent, Sempra Infrastructure and  bers  of  the  Nigerian  National
             tion,  will  address  the  future  of  Former US Secretary of Energy.  Petroleum Company: Minister of
             energy,  sustainability,  environ-  The  Ukraine  and  Russian  crisis  State  for  Petroleum,  Chief
             mental  impact,  energy  security,  has brought to the fore the inc-  Timipre   Sylva,   Chief   Pius
             and  climate  mitigation  and  had  reased importance of energy se-  Akinyere, Chief Executive Officer
             in  its  attendances,  Chief  Execu-  curity  in  Europe,  America  and  Nigerian  Midstream  and  Down-
             tive Officers, Ministers, business  the rest of World. With the war  stream  Petroleum  Regulatory
             leaders,  innovators,  engineers,  on,  the  global  supply  energy  Authority  (NMDPRA)  and  Mr
             and  disruptors  who  are  actively  chains have been severely affec-   Farouk.
             engaged  in  reshaping  the  exis-
             ting energy landscape. The focus
             of  the  conference  was  on  sha-
             ping  the  existing  energy  land-
             Gastech’s  strategic  conference
             featured  many  influential  key-
             note  speakers  from  the  highest
             level of government, including:
                                                                                                     Milan Italie

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