Page 61 - Nigeriaone mag 3 edition en
P. 61

Ongoing discussions on cap system for Russian crude have led

             to oil prices decrease

                                                                                   Barrel of crude oil, illustrative image

             Oil fell more than 3.2% in August. A G7 deal to cap  The idea behind the cap system was to keep a cap
             Russian oil prices, under discussion for weeks now,  above  Russia's  cost  of  production  in  order  to  keep
             could reverse that trend, with Moscow now saying it  Russian oil on the market but reduce revenues for
             will retaliate by refusing to sell oil.           its  war  chests.  The  cap  system,  which  was  first
             Russia has finally stated openly that capping its oil  proposed  in  June  by  U.S.  Treasury  Secretary  Janet
             prices  would  be  costly  for  energy  markets.  Russia  Yellen,  could  be  set  at  half  the  Russian  purchase
             said it would not supply oil to countries that decide  price, although the form of the final agreement and
             to impose a cap on its oil prices.                price level have not yet been announced.
             Deputy  Prime  Minister  Alexander  Novak  called  the  Although  Russian  crude  is  currently  selling  at  a
             idea of the G7 countries to limit the price of Russian  discount  of  $20  per  barrel,  this  has  not  reduced
             oil  "complete  nonsense"  that  will  destabilize  the  Moscow's  oil  revenues,  as  Russia  has  found  new
             entire sector. According to the minister, Russia will  markets in India and China.
             not  supply  oil  and  oil  products  to  countries  that  According  to  new  information,  during  the  second
             agreed with such a restriction. "We will not supply  quarter,  India  reduced  its  crude  imports  from  the
             oil and oil products to those companies or countries  United  States  by  one  million  metric  tons,  while
             that  will  impose  restrictions,  because  we  will  not  increasing  its  imports  of  discounted  Russian  oil.
             work  in  non-market  conditions,"  the  deputy  prime  India's energy mix is now radically different than it
             minister said.                                    was  a  year  ago.  Last  year,  Russian  oil's  share  of
             He  also  said  that  Russian  companies  are  well  India's crude was around 2.2 percent, compared with
             prepared for an oil embargo by the European Union  9.2  percent  for  the  United  States;  today,  Russia
             and will do anything in their power to maintain oil  accounts  for  nearly  12.9  percent  of  India's  crude
             production at the same level. Furthermore, Russian  imports,  while  the  U.S.  share  has  fallen  to  just  5.4
             production could reach 520-525 million tons by the  percent.
             end of the year, which is comparable to last year's
             level of 524 million tons.

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