Page 20 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
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Busari, who was at the time, the Director overseeing the Office of  “We  have  set  up  an  oil  and  gas
             the  Permanent  Secretary  of  the  ministry,  had  explained  that  investments promotion office, which will
             having  an  investment  promotion  office  in  the  ministry  was  a  act  as  a  one-stop-shop  for  oil  and  gas
             strategic  milestone  to  get  investors  to  put  their  money  in  investors”. “This centre is being initiated
             Nigeria’s  oil  and  gas  sector.  He  had  also  stressed  that  the  in  collaboration  with  the  industry
             initiative would come in handy to businesses, given the country’s  regulators to create a culture of business
             enormous oil and gas deposits, adding that the inauguration of  enablement  for  would-be  investors.  We
             the committee was the continuation of the approval granted by  are  also  in  the  process  of  bringing  up
             the  Sylva  on  22  June,  2022.  But  speaking  at  the  OPTS  60th  policy guidelines on all aspects of the PIA
             anniversary dinner, Sylva explained that as the government seeks  2021,  to  guide  the  industry  and  lead  to
             to maximise the value from the nation’s crude oil, gas, which had  this  production  growth.  It  is  not  an
             been  declared  as  Nigeria’s  transition  fuel  would  help  in  the  exaggeration to say that the ability of this
             government’s drive to address the country’s energy poverty status  industry to meet the world's energy needs
             in power, transportation, agriculture and other critical sectors to  without  damaging  the  environment  will
             fully  industrialise  the  nation.  According  to  him,  achieving  the  determine  the  trajectory  of  the  21st
             goals  would  therefore  require  the  creation  of  a  conducive  century.”  Decrying  Nigeria’s  under-
             business  environment  to  attract  all  the  available  FDI  in  the  performance in oil production due to the
             sector.                                                     escalating  oil  theft  and  vandalism  of
             He further explained that the investment promotion centre was  upstream  assets,  the  minister  said  the
             initiated in collaboration with the industry regulators to create a  country’s oil production decline reached
             culture  of  business  enablement  for  would-be  investors,  adding  an all-time low at a time the price of the
             that the ministry was also in the process of bringing up policy  black gold also spiked to an all-time high
             guidelines  on  all  aspects  of  the  Petroleum  Industry  Act  (PIA)  in five years.
             2021, to guide the industry.                                Owing  to  the  multiple  challenges  facing
             Sylva  said,  “With  formulation  of  deliberate  policies  that  will  the  country’s  oil  sector,  Sylva  said  the
             encourage investments and enhance businesses in all streets.”  industry’s  situation  could,  “best  be
             In  attracting  this  needed  investments  and  as  alluded  in  the  summarised  as  prospect  good,  unstable,
             Petroleum  Industry  Act,  the  ministry,  in  fulfillment  of  its  unsuitable, with security, technical issues,
             mandate as enshrined in the PIA, wants to promote an enabling   reduced investment and assets litigation
              environment for investment in the Nigerian petroleum industry,   identified  as  the  mitigating  factors.”  He
                                                                         observed  that  Nigeria’s  upstream  oil
                                                                         sector  had  never  witnessed  this  scale  of
                                                                         destruction  of  facilities  before.  He  said
                                                                         with  over  265  illegal  refineries  existing
                                                                         and  being  operated  within  the  Shell
                                                                         Petroleum Development Company (SPDC)
                                                                         corridor  alone,  efforts  to  bring  them
                                                                         down  had  only  resulted  in  creating  new
                                                                         In  managing  this  ugly  menace  and  to
                                                                         restore  the  confidence  of  government’s
                                                                         partners,  Sylva  noted  that  the  federal
                                                                         government  was  taking  a  lead  on  the
                                                                         issue  of  security  of  the  oil  and  gas
                                                                         industry  using  a  wider  approach  to  the
                                                                         matter. “All these efforts are being made
                                                                         to  achieve  the  2016  highs  of  oil
                                                                         production”, he stated.
                                Sylva Timipre,Minister of State for Petroleum Resources

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