Page 21 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 21

He,  however,  reiterated  that  Nigeria  had  committed  discovery of oil six years earlier in 1956.
             to the net zero target by year 2060, saying there was  Kennedy  said  the  history  of  OPTS  was  the  story  of
             therefore an urgent need to monetise the country’s  Nigerian  oil  and  gas  exploration  and  production,
             crude oil by increasing reserve to 40 billion barrels  adding that over the last 60 years, they have evolved
             and taking production to over three million barrels  as a group and have become partners with Nigeria in
             per day. He said part of the need was to add value to  the development of a sector that is key to the nation’s
             the huge oil and gas resources by making the nation  economic development.
             self-sufficient in white products and a refining hub  From  an  organisation  initially  dominated  by
             for Africa, revealing that excessive work was ongoing  international oil companies (IOCs) to an all-inclusive
             to  achieve  the  aim  of  making  Nigeria  a  petroleum  29-member  group,  out  of  which  21  are  indigenous
             refining hub.                                     and  homegrown,  he  explained  that  OPTS  member
             Meanwhile,  in  his  welcome  address  at  the  dinner,  companies have made significant impact on the
             Kennedy, who was represented by the Vice Chairman
             of  OPTS,  Mr.  Osagie  Okunbor,  disclosed  that  the
             group’s  member  companies  have  made  payments
             worth  tens  of  billions  of  dollars  to  Nigerian
             government  in  taxes,  royalties,  rents,  levies  and
             license  fees,  in  the  last  60  years  of  the  group’s
             existence in the country.
             Kennedy,  who  is  also  the  Managing  Director  of
             Chevron  Nigeria  Limited,  said  OPTS  member
             companies  accounted  for  about  90  per  cent  of
             Nigeria’s oil production and contributed significantly
             to  the  domestic  and  export  gas  production  and
             He added that over the last decades, the companies
             under the group accounted for 40 to 60 per cent of
             government revenue and 80 to 95 per cent of export
             earnings.  “Over  the  last  decades,  OPTS  member
             companies  account  for  40  to  60  per  cent  of
             government revenue and 80 to 95 per cent of export
                                                                                         Shell headquarters in London
             earnings.  OPTS  member  companies  are  also  proud
             to have paid tens of billions of dollars in taxes, levies,  Nigerian  economy.  He  pointed  out  that  Nigeria’s
             royalties,  rents,  and  license  fees  to  the  Nigerian  needs have grown over time just as the oil and gas
             government.                                       industry, which he noted, has consistently responded
             “Through direct and indirect employment of people,  positively.  Kennedy  maintained  that  the  companies
             local  contractors,  and  service  providers,  OPTS  have  demonstrated  resilience  and  commitment  in
             member  companies  have  continued  to  provide   the  face  of  economic,  security,  environmental,  and
             significant  livelihood  to  Nigerians,”  Kennedy  said.  funding challenges.
             According  to  him,  OPTS  member  companies  have  He further said, “We have amassed many chapters in
             continued  to  invest  in  individual  and  group  skill  the OPTS scroll over the past 60 years, and today, we
             development to support exploration and production  have  the  opportunity  to  celebrate  60  years  of
             activities and strengthen the supply chain, saying this  partnership,  60  years  of  working  together,  and  60
             was  in  addition  to  a  strong  social  investment  years  of  shared  success.  “Despite  the  challenges
             programmes that span Nigeria, with a focus on their  confronting the industry, there are opportunities for
             host  communities.  He  recounted  that  OPTS  began  improvement  and  growth.  This  is  what  we  see  in
             modestly in 1962 with only three founding member  OPTS. Working with the governments at all levels, we
             companies  -Chevron,  ExxonMobil  and  Shell,     have  the  responsibility  and  the  commitment  as  a
             explaining that the group was formed in response to  group to get the right policies for our people and for
             the burgeoning oil and gas sector following the   the country.”

             Nigeria                                                                                       21
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