Page 18 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 18

Oil and Gas Investment Promotion Center

                                                                                              oil and gas well pump

             The    President   Mohammed       Kamoru  Busari  stated  that  the     establishing  an  oil  and  gas
             Buhari’s  administration  is  one    development  of  the  investment  promotion  office  in  Abuja  to
             that  is  focused  on  increasing  promotion center was part of the  interface   with   businessmen
             Foreign  Direct  Investments  (FDI)  federal  government  initiative  interested  in  investing  in  the
             and has designed specific policies  targeted  at  creating  an  enabling  sector.  As  at  the  time  of  the
             initiatives  targeted  at  attracting  environment  to  attract  badly  creation,   members   of   the
             the  much  needed  into  the      needed investors into the oil and  Committee   are:   Director
             country.  Its  most  recent  policy  gas  sector.  According  to  the  Planning  and  Statistics  in  the
             initiative is the creation of an Oil  acting  permanent  secretary,  the  Ministry,  Mr.  Musa  Sa’eed  Talle
             and  Gas  Investment  Promotion   investment  promotion  center    (Chairman),  Usoroh  E.  Thomas,
             Centre (OGIPC) at the Ministry of  commenced  in  partnership  with  Technical   Assistant   to
             Petroleum  Resources  in  the     the industry regulators to fashion  Honourable Minister of State for
             federal capital city Abuja.       and  form  a  culture  of  business  Petroleum       Resources
             The   OGIPC   is   intentionally  enablement    for   would-be     (Downstream),       Technical
             designed with the right resources  investors,   adding   that   the  Assistant-COS  (HMSPR)  Ogar
             and equipment to give intending   ministry was also in the process  Ugbizi,   Assistant    Chief
             investors  the  necessary  support  of  bringing  up  policy  guidelines  Petroleum  Engineer  Tejumola
             they need to navigate the oil and  on  all  aspects  of  the  Petroleum  Olasunkanmi, Assistant Director
             gas sector in Nigeria and also to  Industry Act (PIA) 2021, to guide  (Upstream  Dr.  Ishaku  P.  Abner,
             create  awareness  for  intending  the  industry.  The  ministry  of  Technical    Assistant-COS
             investors  about  Nigeria.  The   petroleum  had  in  August  this  (HMSPR),  while  Engr.  Bamidele
             acting permanent secretary of the  year  inaugurated  a  committee  Dada will serve as the Secretary.
             ministry of petroleum, Mr         with the sole purpose of

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