Page 26 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 26

Africa, constantly solicited by Europe for its gas


             The sudden appetite of Europeans for African
             gas is, at first sight, a chance to develop new
             fields. For several months, European leaders
             have  been  multiplying  their  efforts  to  boost
             their  imports.  In  Senegal,  where  the  Tortue
             field is due to produce 2.5 million tonnes of
             gas  next  year,  Germany  has  come  to  offer
             broad  financial  support  to  increase  the
             volume to 10 million tonnes, a surplus which
             will  of  course  be  destined  primarily  for
             Germany. Italy made an intense campaign in
             Algeria,  followed  by  the  French  leaders.
             Nigeria  and  Morocco  recently  inaugurated
             with  great  enthusiasm  a  5,000-kilometer  gas
             pipeline project to serve Europe. In total, the
             continent's multiple gas projects, although not
             all financed, amount to $400 billion.
             Even  though  this  revenue  is  very  welcome,
             one  might  question  if  it  is  really  the  right
             time  to  produce  more  gas  for  export  when
             domestic needs are still not being met.
             Six hundred million Africans still do not have
             electricity.  It  is  not  clear  that  the  new
             investments  are  benefiting  them.  More  than
                                                                                         Natural gas,illustrative image,
             half  are  in  extraction,  not  local  distribution.
             They  are  clearly  intended  for  foreigners.   Some African NGOs are lobbying for gas investments to
             Another  objection  of  NGOs  hostile  to  these  be  reallocated  to  renewable  energy.  But  of  course,  the
             projects  is  that  the  economic  benefits  are  Europeans and the funds that are in a hurry to invest in
             unlikely,  as  the  experience  of  the  major  projects for Europe have no intention of financing solar
             African  oil  countries  shows.  In  Nigeria,  the  or  wind  power.  The  European  Investment  Bank  is  going
             continent's  largest  oil  producer  for  many  against the wishes of the European states. This decision is
             years,  four  out  of  ten  people  still  live  below  being  contested  by  some  African  decision-makers  in
             the  poverty  line.  In  Mozambique,  a  country  search of financing.
             ranked among the poorest in the world, Total  We might ask ourselves why does the Europe Investment
             plans to invest $20 billion to exploit offshore  Bank  refuse  to  finance  in  Africa  what  is  allowed  in
             gas:  an  amount  greater  than  the  country's  Europe?  Africa  is  not  responsible  for  the  emission  of
             GDP. The project is currently on hold because,  global  warming  gases.  The  carbon-emitting  electricity
             instead  of  promoting  development,  it  has  consumption of a European is 25 times that of an African,
             mainly  fueled  the  resurgence  of  Islamist  all  energy  sources  combined.  In  a  report  on  how  to
             terrorism. Eventually, the gas will be exported  address  Africa's  energy  deficit,  it  is  pointed  out  that
             to  South  Africa  and  Europe  and  its      renewable energy already provides 40% of the electricity.
             exploitation  will  above  all  increase  the  Despite   this,   gas   remains   essential   for   the
             financial  stress  of  this  already  heavily  industrialization of the continent, because the cement or
             indebted country. In addition, climate change  steel plants needed to build infrastructure are very energy
             could soon ruin investments in hydrocarbons.  intensive.

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