Page 34 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 34

Population Growth Projections in Developing


                                                                              Population density on a street in Lagos, Nigeria

             The world population of 7.6 billion is predicted to reach  Indonesia. While the projected trend for the rest of
             8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in  the  world  is  lower  population  growth,  the  least
             2100, according to a new united nation report that was  developed  countries  (LDCs)  continue  to  defy  the
             launched  last  week.  With  an  estimated  79  million  norm,  as  46  countries  in  that  category  have  high
             persons added to the world population on a yearly basis,  fertility rates of 4.2 births per woman in 2011- 2014.
             the  upward  trend  in  population  growth  is  expected  to  Consequently,  the  population  of  these  countries  is
             continue, even assuming that the fertility level continues  growing rapidly over the years at an estimated 2.3%
             to decline.                                        per  year.  However,  the  rate  of  increment  in
             The  projections  from  the  United  nation  include  some  population  growth  in  the  region  is  expected  to
             interesting findings at country specific levels. China and  decline  in  the  coming  decades.  The  population  of
             India  (with  1.4  billion  inhabitants  and  1.3  billion  LDC is approximately 1 billion in 2021, this number
             inhabitants) still remain the most populous countries in  is  expected  to  increase  by  30%  between  2019  and
             the  world,  consisting  19%  and  18%  of  the  total  global  2029 and to reach 1.8 billion persons in 2049.
             population.  However,  it  does  appear  that  this  trend  is  The same projection is made for countries in Africa,
             likely to change with India expected to surpass China in  between 2018 and 2049, the population of 25 African
             seven years.                                       countries are expected to expand and double in size
             Amongst the ten largest populated countries across the  over  the  stated  period  of  time.  As  a  result,  it  is
             globe, Nigeria appears to be growing most rapidly. Thus,  expected that the concentration of global population
             it is expected that Nigeria, which is the 7th largest in the  in the poorest countries of the world will present an
             world, is projected to surpass that of the United States of  enormous  challenge  to  governments’  intent  on
             America  and  become  the  3rd  largest  in  the  world  in  implementing  the  2030  agenda  for  sustainable
             2049.                                              development – that is focused on reducing hunger
             From 2018 to 2051, the current projections is that half of  and poverty, expand existing education and health
             the  world’s  population  growth  will  be  found  in  nine  care  systems,  reduce  inequality,  achieve  gender
             countries:  Pakistan,  Ethiopia,  the  United  Republic  of  equality  and  women’s  empowerment  and  ensure
             Tanzania, India, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the   that every one is carried along.
             Congo, the United States of America, Uganda and

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