Page 38 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 38

Should oil be invested more?

             Despite  climate  activists'  discontent  with  fossil  fuel
             investments,  demand  for  this  commodity  remains
             high. Over the last few years, policymakers and climate
             change advocates have actively urged Wall Street and
             other financial institutions to stop investing in fossil
             fuel  companies.  There  have  been  numerous  and
             commendable efforts taken to find alternatives to oil
             and gas, but throughout the world, these commodities
             are  in  dire  need.  The  ongoing  Ukraine/Russia  war
             highlights the importance of oil and gas in human life.
             In this tense geopolitical context, the European energy
             crisis serves as a brilliant demonstration of the world's
             desperate need for oil and gas.
             Additionally,  the  recent  warning  from  Saudi  Aramco
             (the largest oil producer) could put things into a new
             perspective. Saudi Aramco CEO, Amin Nasser, recently
             said  at  a  conference  in  London:  “Today  there  is  a
             spare capacity that is extremely low. If China opens up,
             the economy starts improving or the aviation industry
             starts  asking  for  more  jet  fuel,  you  will  erode  this
             spare  capacity.”  He  added  “When  you  erode  that
             capacity, the world should be worried. There will be no
             space  for  any  hiccup,  any  interruption,  any
             unforeseen  events  anywhere  around  the  world.”
             Nasser's  dire  warning  should  be  taken  into  serious
             consideration. Globally, consumers have already been
             affected by high oil prices. A direct collateral damage
             of  the  Ukraine/Russia  conflict,  the  current  European
             energy crisis has devastating economic consequences.
             OPEC+'s  recent  decision  to  cut  oil  production  by  2                   gas station, illustrative image

             million barrels per day has already negatively affected  operations  in  more  than  70  countries,  which
             the oil price. Moreover, it has strained Saudi Arabia-  operates 10 refineries and sold 64.2 million tons
             US  relations.  President  Biden  and  its  western  allies  of  liquefied  natural  gas  last  year.  Investors  have
             were  blindsided  by  the  alliance’s  decision.  On  CNN,  flocked  to  its  NYSE-listed  shares,  which  are  up
             Biden  accused  Saudi  Arabia  of  aligning  with  Russia  13.6% year-to-date.
             and  threatened  consequences,  although  he  did  not  Chevron  (CVX):  Another  large  oil  and  gas
             specify  what  those  consequences  would  be.  These  company  benefiting  from  the  commodity  boom.
             events demonstrate the importance of oil and gas in  For  Q2,  the  company  reported  earnings  of  $11.6
             the global economic and political sphere. Additionally,  billion, which more than tripled the $3.1 billion in
             it underscores the high demand for oil and gas.      the same period last year. The company generated
             The demand for these commodities currently exceeds   $65 billion in sales and operating revenues for the
             the supply.                                          quarter,  an  increase  of  81%  over  last  year.  The
             As an investor, it will be judicious to bet on these three  company's board increased the quarterly dividend
             oil stocks:                                          by  6%  to  $1.42  per  share  in  January,  giving  it  a
                Shell (SHEL): A multinational energy giant with   3.6% yield on an annual basis.

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