Page 36 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 36

Oil production disruptions at TotalEnergies and
             ExxonMobil refineries

                                                                                                 Exxon gas station

             Disputes   with   employees   over   wages   lead  analyst  at  The  disruptions  at  French
             TotalEnergies  and  ExxonMobil  to  having  oil     refineries  add  to  supply  difficulties  as  the  global
             production  disruptions  at  their  refinery  sites  in  energy  crisis,  particularly  in  Europe,  continues  to
             France.  The  strike  began  on  Sept.  27  and  has  shut  worsen.
             down  more  than  60  percent  of  France's  refining  Since  Russia's  invasion  of  Ukraine  in  February,
             capacity, or 740,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd).  Europe  has  struggled  to  find  alternative  sources  of
             Exxon  Mobil  temporarily  shut  down  its  two  French  natural gas and crude oil. Russia has responded to the
             facilities and limited the supply of refined petroleum  sanctions  by  limiting  natural  gas  flows  to  the
             products  to  its  customers,  while  three  TotalEnergies  European  Union.  However,  member  states  have
             refineries also stopped sending fuel.             weaned  themselves  off  the  gas,  and  the  EU  is
             At  the  time  of  writing  on  Wednesday,  TotalEnergies  preparing to impose a complete embargo on crude oil
             shares were trading up 0.47% at 51.01 euros - while  imports from Russia by sea.
             Exxon's shares were up 3.64% to trade at $95.27.  Supply pressures have led to volatility in commodity
             "The impact of the shutdown has resulted in a slight  markets,  with  traders  finding  the  natural  gas  and
             increase in the share prices of these refineries, as it  crude  oil  markets  sometimes  difficult  to  trade  as
             has  put  additional  pressure  on  supply,  which  was  geopolitical factors continue to drive prices. While the
             already  under  stress.  But  due  to  the  planned  and  oil refinery strikes will exacerbate short-term supply
             controlled   nature   of   the   strikes   (although  problems  in  Europe,  analysts  do  not  expect  the
             unpredictable to some extent), the impact is expected  production cut in France to have a broader impact on
             to be short-lived, and the longer-term price structure  the oil market, as France has strategic reserves. The
             will  continue  to  be  driven  by  crude  oil  movements,  main market event for oil prices on Wednesday will
             primarily  regarding  developments  in  the  Ukraine-  be  the  OPEC+  meeting.  Members  and  allies  of  the
             Russia  war  and  concerns  about  the  recession  and  group  are  expected  to  announce  significant
             slowing demand," said Daniela Hathorn, market     production cuts.

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