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P. 45

OPEC Production cuts

                                                                             Petroleum pump, petroleum industry equipment

             The  Organization  of  the  Petroleum  Exporting  downturn  as  well  as  raising  the  geopolitical
             Countries and Russia (known as OPEC+) has decided  temperature,  according  to  analysts.  According  to
             to slash crude oil production by 2 million barrels per  previous forecasts, oil prices would decline by the end
             day.  It  would  be  an  understatement  to  say  that  the  of  the  year;  however,  OPEC's  decision  may  have  a
             Biden  administration  was  clearly  blindsided  by  the  negative effect on Brent oil price. It could reach more
             alliance’s  move.  It  appeared  to  be  a  blow  to  than $100 per barrel in December. The United States
             consuming  nations  when  the  organization  suddenly  has been outraged that Saudi Arabia would support a
             cut production and subsequently raised crude prices.  step that would benefit the country in the short run,
             This  situation  has  led  to  accusations  that  Gulf  but  would  conflict  with  its  long-term  security
             producers  are  siding  with  Russia  against  the  United  interests.  Over  the  last  few  months,  the  Biden
             States  and  its  western  allies.  Through  its  press  administration  has  engaged  in  diplomatic  efforts  to
             secretary  Karine  Jean-Pierre,  the  White  House  discourage its Middle Eastern allies from cutting oil
             expressed  frustration.  She  called  the  OPEC  decision  production.  OPEC's  move  will  create  economic  risks
             “short-sighted”  and  stated  “  It’s  clear  that  OPEC+  is  for the United States and Europe. American officials
             aligning  with  Russia  with  today’s  announcement.”  are  quite  frustrated  by  the  prospect  of  pump  prices
             However,  OPEC  has  denied  that  accusation  via  its  increasing further ahead of the crucial US mid-term
             secretary-general,  Haitham  al-Ghais  who  said  “this  election  in  November.  Biden’s  controversial  trip  to
             was not a decision from one country against another.  Saudi Arabia in July seemingly was a failure and the
             I want to be clear in saying this, and it’s not a decision  Kingdom stance could indicate that the US is ceasing
             from two or three countries against a group of other  to exert influence over Gulf allies. It is a setback for
             countries.” Saudi Arabia, one of the main players in  President Biden’s foreign policy and a blow to the US
             OPEC,  also  said  the  move  was  necessary  to  contend  and its allies. Considering OPEC's decision, they will
             with  rising  interest  rates  in  the  West  and  a  weaker  have a more difficult time implementing a price cap
             global  economy.  Energy  minister  Prince  Abdul-Aziz  on  Russian  oil  exports  in  December.  Oil  prices  will
             bin  Salman  stated  “Show  me  where  is  the  act  of  benefit Russia, which has so far remained resilient to
             belligerence?” He said that markets required guidance  Western  sanctions.  Furthermore,  it  will  allow  the
             without  which  investment  would  not  happen.  This  Russians to carry on with their war against Ukraine
             move could increase the risk of a global economic   .

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