Page 47 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 47

Strike in the refineries and oil depots in France

                                                              France consumes 46 million tons of fuel each year. To
                                                              cover  its  needs,  it  imports  crude  oil  and  finished
                                                              products, such as diesel fuel. Crude oil is imported by
                                                              tanker to three ports: Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), Saint-
                                                              Nazaire  (Loire-Atlantique)  and  Marseille.  It  is  then
                                                              processed  into  various  products,  both  energy  (fuels)
                                                              and    non-energy   (lubricants,   bitumen   and
                                                              petrochemicals),  in  six  industrial  refining  platforms,
                                                              which  are  those  of  Total  (3),  Esso  (2)  and  Petroineos
                                                              After  processing  in  refineries,  the  various  fuels  are
                                                              transported  by  a  network  of  pipelines,  barges  and
                                                              ships and by train to "downstream" oil sites. The bulk
                                                              (67%)  is  transported  through  a  series  of  pipelines
                                                              including : the Le Havre-Paris pipeline (LHP), the Ile-
                                                              de-France  pipeline  (PLIF),  the  Mediterranean  Rhone
                                                              Pipeline  (PMR),  the  Donges-Melun-Metz  pipeline
                                                              (DMM), and the pipelines between Fos and Manosque.
                                                              Fuels are also stored, before being transported to the
                                                              country's  service  stations.  France  has  an  overall
                                         Oil depots, Illustrative image
                                                              storage capacity for petroleum products of around 46
             With nearly a third of service stations short of fuel and  million  m3.  Refineries  and  their  auxiliary  depots
             motorists on the edge of a breakdown, the government  account for about 33% of this capacity, storage caves
             decided to requisition the first staff to try to supply the  20%,  airports  1%.  A  network  of  approximately  200
             country  in  the  face  of  the  growing  gasoline  shortage  secondary depots of various sizes, spread throughout
             caused by the strike at refineries and fuel depots.  the  country,  supplies  the  metropolis.  They  represent
             The  first  employees  requisitioned  allowed  to  release  47% of French storage capacity.
             the first stocks of fuel by pipeline (7,000 cubic meters  The distribution of stocks on the metropolitan territory
             of  the  depot  of  Gravenchon  in  Normandy  in  twenty-  is  not  homogeneous.  The  proximity  of  refining
             four  hours)  and  twenty-five  tankers  from  Dunkirk  by  facilities and import sites, as well as the infrastructure
             road.                                            for  the  mass  transportation  of  petroleum  products,
             These  depots  are  the  main  source  of  gasoline  and  influences  this  distribution.  Thus,  50%  of  French
             diesel  supplies  in  France.  The  country  has  about  45  storage capacity is concentrated in the Normandy and
             million vehicles - 38.3 million light vehicles, 5.9 million  Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur regions.
             commercial vehicles and 700,000 heavy goods vehicles  In  addition,  France  has  strategic  stocks  equivalent  to
             ,  with  some  200  depots  that  supply  the  network  of  three months of consumption. These stocks, managed
             service stations                                 by  the  Société  anonyme  de  gestion  des  stocks  de
             By disrupting the smooth operation of the depots, the  sécurité (Sagess), represented 13.9 Mt in 2018 and are
             strikers have interrupted the supply of the thousands  distributed  in  nearly  90  sites.  A  major  underground
             of  service  stations  in  France;  nearly  half  of  them  storage  facility  of  9.2  million  m3  is  located  in
             belong  to  large  and  medium-sized  retailers  and  Manosque;  occupying  huge  salt  caverns,  between  350
             account for 63% of the volumes distributed, compared  meters and 1,000 meters underground, it is connected
             with  the  37%  distributed  by  the  6,000  stations  of  the  to  the  refineries  and  plants  in  Fos,  Marseille  and  to
             traditional  networks.  The  country’s  total  service  international pipeline networks. It is from these stocks
             stations counted five million daily fill-ups, serving 118  that the government decided to draw to cope with the
             million liters of fuel per day.                  shortage that is affecting France.

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