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P. 51

Nord Stream gas leaks

                                                                                               Madrid Summit 2022

             What  happened?  How  did  it  happen?  Who  are  the   been outlined directly. There has been public caution
             culprits? Who benefited from it? These are just some  against making assumptions about who and why. “This
             of  the  questions  making  headlines  since  September  is something that is extremely important to get all the
             26, 2022. There were three leaks in the Nord Stream 1  facts on the table, and therefore this is something we’ll
             and  2  undersea  pipelines  running  from  Russia  to  look closely into in the coming hours and days.” Said
             Germany under the Baltic Sea. A video was released by  NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. Officials in
             the  Danish  military  showing  gas  bubbling  to  the  several  countries  including  Germany,  Sweden,  and
             surface off Bornholm, a Danish island. There were a  Denmark  are  investigating  the  origins  of  the  leaks.
             series of explosions and gas leaks that followed. The  According to certain news reports, European security
             Nord  Stream  2  pipeline  was  detected  to  have  officials observed Russian navy ships in the vicinity of
             significant  pressure  drops  on  Monday  and  the  Nord  the Nord Stream. In private, however, many in Europe
             Stream 1 pipeline to have another pressure drop, both  suspect  Russian  sabotage  since  the  Kremlin  has  a
             of  which  led  to  a  conclusion  that  there  were  three  history  of  trying  to  weaponize  energy.  The  Russian
             separate  leaks.  Swedish  seismologists  have  said  government  likely  has  the  capability  and  equipment
             underwater explosions caused these leaks. A leak from  (divers  or  underwater  drones)  to  conduct  such  an
             a  major  pipeline  is  unusual,  but  a  leak  from  a  twin  operation  and  is  motivated  to  keep  putting  pressure
             pipeline  in  a  completely  different  location  is  even  on Europe as Vladimir Putin intensifies his war effort.
             more unprecedented. Considering that both pipelines  He  has  implemented  a  mobilization  effort  that  has
             are a source of geopolitical tension resulting from the  been  met  with  resistance  and  chaos  at  home.  As  a
             war  in  Ukraine,  it  is  hard  to  interpret  this  as  an  result of the Ukraine invasion, Russia has been under
             accident or coincidence. It is not a natural event.  heavy  sanctions  from  Western  countries  and  the
             According  to  NATO  officials,  sabotage  is  responsible  Kremlin  has  already  used  energy  infrastructure
             for  the  leaks.  Josep  Borell,  the  EU’s  foreign  policy  (specifically Nord Stream 1) as a tool to exert pressure
             Chief,  tweeted  “Deliberate  disruption  of  European  on the West. There is a possibility that Russia is trying
             energy infrastructure is utterly unacceptable and will  to convey clearly to Europe that it will not be getting
             be  met  with  a  robust  and  united  response.”  Even  gas  from  Russia,  not  this  winter,  not  in  the  near
             though European and US officials have referred to this  future, and perhaps not ever again.
             incident as deliberate, the potential suspects have not    In contrast, the Russians stated a deliberate attack was

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