Page 52 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
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not impossible, and Kremlin spokesperson Dimitri vulnerable as ever as winter approaches. Any
Peskov said Russia “ was extremely concerned”. As a disruption to Europe's energy supply, whether by
result of a tweet from a former Polish defense accident, natural disaster, or deliberate action, will
minister and a Biden clip from February, the Russian deepen and prolong the energy crisis. In the
foreign minister also delved into the conspiracy immediate term, the Nord Stream pipeline leaks have
theory that the US was behind the sabotage. The little impact on European energy security. Due to the
Russian government has claimed that Washington is Ukraine invasion, Germany eventually killed Nord
motivated by its desire to sell more LNG to Europe. Stream 2. Russian gas giant Gazprom, which is state-
The idea of Ukrainian sabotage has been floated, but owned, reduced and then completely discontinued
experts say Ukraine probably lacks the technical skills Nord Stream 1, claiming technical issues prevented
or equipment to accomplish it. Regardless of who is gas delivery, which no one really believes. The
responsible, the Nord Stream leaks underscore the proportion of Russian gas in Europe's gas supply
precarious state of Europe's energy sector. It added to dropped from 40% to 9% since the beginning of the
global uncertainty around access to energy and its war. Consequently, Europe sought out alternative
cost. Natural gas is being stored by European sources to replace that gas. The plan includes more
countries and is being purchased on the global pipeline natural gas from Norway and liquefied
market at a premium. While many European natural gas from around the World. It may become
industries used to rely on cheap gas from Russia, more expensive for Europe to get gas because of fears
current high costs are forcing them to cut back and about other energy infrastructures going down. This
sometimes close, with still-unfolding economic situation can also have a destabilizing effect on the
consequences. Several countries and cities are taking rest of the world, as energy prices rise and lower-
steps to reduce the demand for electricity by cooling income countries must compete for even more
swimming pools and turning off traffic lights. In expensive gas. While the Ukraine/Russia war
Europe, household energy bills are on the rise, even continues, the West is concerned about infrastructure
as some fear a gas shortage. sabotage, cyberattacks, and other hacks targeting
There is no doubt that Europe faces an energy critical infrastructure. An energy hybrid warfare of
standoff with Russia and that its energy security is as this kind can be catastrophic for the world.
Meeting in Brussels for a series of emergency NATO summits
International 52