Page 63 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 63

The strategic deployment of renewable energy can be
             a  useful  tool  in  addressing  the  problem  of  under
             employment  without  necessarily  compromising  the
             desirable features of energy supply. Yet, the capacity
             for developing countries to adopt renewable energy
             is  not  without  challenges,  two  important  challenges
             developing  countries  have  with  adopting  renewable
             energy are technology and policy.
             When  it  comes  to  technology,  the  deployment  and
             choice  of  renewable  energy  technologies  can
             significantly  determine  the  building  of  an  all-
             inclusive  strategy  towards  additional  sustainable
             economic  growth.  Technological  innovation  and
             capacity  in  renewable  energy  result  from  wide-
             ranging factors, such as technological capability of a
             country,  market  conditions  that  favor  adaptive
             learning,  and  innovation-friendly  regulation.  Thus
             far,  the  emerging  challenge  with  the  adoption  of
             renewable  energy  technologies  for  developing
             countries  is  whether  low-income  developing
             countries are capable of securing technological

                                                                                                 Énergie éolienne

                                                               transfer  and  the  diffusion  as  well  as  create  an
                                                               enabling  environment  for  the  development  of
                                                               domestic renewable energy technologies.
                                                               Equally important as the choice of technology is the
                                                               fact that the renewable energy market is also a policy-
                                                               driven market. Very crucial in the renewable energy
                                                               market  is  the  introduction,  implementation  and
                                                               execution  of  support  policies  that  are  important
                                                               determinants  of  how  well  the  renewable  energy
                                                               market  develops.  The  choice  of  policy  instruments
                                                               will  need  to  reflect  the  objectives  of  the  developing
                                                               country  according  to  its  priorities  regarding
                                                               economic  development,  environmental  protection
                                                               and   socio-economic   structure.   In   choosing
                                                               technology  and  policy,  these  considerations  are
              Energies renouvelables, un outil pour résoudre le problème du sous-   important.

             Energetic transition                                                                          63
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