Page 65 - Nigeria one mag 4 edition en
P. 65

Economic diversification through alternative energy


             Diversification  is  a  long  process
             that  requires  structural  changes
             and new initiatives to support new
             sectors. In terms of fiscal revenue,
             Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE
             have  been  more  successful  in
             diversifying   their   economies
             compared to their GCC neighbours.
             Between 2014 and 2019, Kuwait was
             able  to  reduce  its  dependence  on
             oil  revenues  from  around  75%  to
             62%.  Most  of  these  countries  still
             depend  on  hydrocarbons.  For
             example, for Kuwait, hydrocarbons
             account  for  about  90%  of  total
             merchandise    exports,   they
             represent  85%  for  Qatar,  70%  for
             Saudi Arabia, 53% for Bahrain and
             60% for Oman. Only the UAE have
             made  more  effort  to  diversify
             export      structure,    with
             hydrocarbons  representing  only
                                                                                Image d'illustration,Ressources énergétiques
             20% of total merchandise exports.
             The   sectors   of   construction,  The oil price volatility, coupled with  fossil fuels are leading these coun-
             infrastructure,  financial  services  the  negative  impacts  of  COVID-19  tries  to  invest  more  in  alternative
             and tourism have been among the  on the global economy, has forced  energy  sources.  The  solar  sector
             industries  in  which  the  Golf  oil  companies  to  delay  or  cancel  represents  an  important  option
             Corporation  Council  countries  some  of  their  investments.  Saudi  given   the   favorable   natural
             invested  the  most..  Between  2010  Aramco  has  delayed  two  major  conditions,  but  the  countries  also
             and 2019, Qatar’s tourism receipts  expansion  projects  in  the  Marjan  have  opportunities  in  the  wind
             increased  from  3%  to  11%  of  its  and   Berri   complexes.   Qatar  sector. In 2017, the UAE launched
             GDP, while its construction sector’s  Petroleum has delayed the start of  its  Energy  Strategy  2050,  with
             value rose from 6% to 15% of GDP.  the  first  phase  of  its  North  Field  which  the  government  plans  to
             At the meantime, tourism revenues  LNG expansion project. Kuwait Oil  invest  AED  600  billion  by  2050  to
             have  increased  from  about  4  Company  (KOC)  has  reportedly  meet the growing energy demand.
             percent to 9 percent of GDP in the  delayed a US$400 million project to  Saudi  authorities  have  said  they
             uae,  which  has  become  an    develop  heavy  crude  facilities  plan to generate 50 percent of the
             important commercial hub for the  Investments  in  renewable  energy  kingdom's   electricity   from
             region.  Qatar  has  largely  invested  sources are also seen as part of the  renewable sources by 2030. In July
             in the banking sector and the ratio  economic  diversification  strategy.  2020,  Saudi  Arabia's  ACWA  Power
             of  total  banking  assets  to  GDP  With  the  abundance  of  these  selected  Shanghai  Electric  as  the
             increased to around 240% of GDP  sources  in  the  Middle  East  and  engineering,  procurement  and
             in  2019.  Bahrain,  helped  by  its  Africa  and  the  fact  that  crude  oil  construction  (EPC)  contractor  for
             offshore  status,  has  also  invested  reserves  are  disappearing,  the  the  fifth  phase  of  the  Mohammed
             in the banking sector : total ban-  higher environmental costs of   bin Rashid Solar Park.

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